Muintir Bhaire Community Council
It has been suggested that some pictures may be of interest and that they would help brighten up the site. Ever open to suggestions some are appended here.

Be aware that they will be a little slow to download.

This fine house was bequeathed to the local community by the late Alice West (1910-1997).


Alice came to Sheep's Head from England in the 1970s. An artist of considerable talent she ran the house as a centre for arts, crafts and music. The Community Council on behalf of the general community have undertaken to restore the building, which was in a state of disrepair.

If you can help, particularly financially, or in any other manner in this project the Chairperson would like to hear from you. She can be contacted through this site.






The Late Alice West.



















One of the major successes of MBCC has been the provision of public toilets at Tooreen, Sheep's Head.


After much effort and long delays this fine facility was opened in December 2003. The toilets which are open each day during the Spring and Summer, (Week- ends at other times) are located at the western end of the peninsula.

The sub-committee responsible, pictured below, for the erection of the toilets are to be congratulated on their efforts.

Left to right: Jenny Barry, chairperson, Agnes Hegarty, Marian O'Brien, Mary Hegarty.

Missing from picture is Susanne Whitty.














On Christmas Day, each year a fund raising swim is held in Ahakista. Picture shows, MBCC member Peter O'Donovan, second from right, who did not swim in 2003 and MBCC member, Tadg Hegarty, right who did.


Community service is part of the remit of MBCC. Above picture shows Council member, Annemarie Gammon presenting a cheque to Bantry members of the Special Olympics Team.


More photographs will be added in due course.

The Chairperson would be delighted to hear what type of pictures you would like to see on this site.