Muintir Bhaire Community Council


The Muintir Bhaire Community Council (MBCC) is an elected community representative organisation for the Sheep's Head Peninsula, Co. Cork, affiliated to the national Muintir na Tire organisation. The MBCC steering committee was set up in late 1998 and elections were first held in March 1999.

The members are elected for three years and work for the betterment of the Muintir Bhaire area.  The name Muintir Bhaire comes from Irish, means people of Baire, and is spelt in a variety of ways. The area is also commonly known as the Sheep's Head Peninsula.



The aim of the web site to is keep you informed as to what we have done, are doing at the moment and what we plan to do in the future. 

We would welcome your comments on our work. You can write to us, telephone us or email us, see contact page

Thank you for visiting our site, you are very welcome to browse around our various pages.

Updated Dec 2016