**** Proposed Salmon Farm in Dunmanus Bay ****


Please check out www.savedunmanusbay.org for further info,

Below is the letter submitted by the Community Council to SilverKing Seafoods Ltd. in response to the proposed salmon farm.



Muintir na Tíre

Muintir Bháire Community Council Ltd.,

Kilcrohane, Bantry, Co. Cork 

John Power,

Silver King Seafoods Ltd.,

The Pier,



Co. Cork. 

Dear Mr. Power,

   Muintir Bháire Community Council is a group of twenty-five people representing an area spanning from Kealties to Sheep’s Head.  We believe, as representatives of community members, we should voice local reaction to the recently dispersed scoping letter.  Feedback that we have received indicates that there is a strong feeling against the proposed salmon farm at Dooneen Point for the following reasons:


   The above points are a synopsis of the strong opposition that there is locally to your proposal for a salmon farm in the bay. 
Deirdre Towns

Secretary (writing on behalf of the Community Council)