Muintir Bháire Community Council Newsletter
Issue 20 December 2010
Photography Exhibition
On Sunday, November 14th last a fantastic crowd gathered in Kilcrohane Community Hall to view the photographs entered in Muintir Bháire Community Council’s summer photography competition.
Over seventy photographs were displayed depicting stunning scenery, memorable faces and distinctive landmarks on the Sheep’s Head Peninsula. The theme of the competition was – Muintir Bháire: A Celebration of People and Place.
Locals, visitors and competition entrants viewed and discussed the entries over a glass of wine or a cup of tea, each choosing their personal favourite.
The competition was judged by Eileen O’Leary, photographer, Ian Vickery, photographer and Ian Dempsey from West Cork Development Partnership.
Ian Dempsey spoke on behalf of the judging panel and commended the high standard of the pictures taken. He explained the judging process and complemented the beauty of our locality as portrayed in the pictures. The winners were then announced.
First prize went to Margaret McCarthy, Kealkil for her photo entitled ‘Lighthouse’.
Second prize was presented to Micheal Downey, Bantry for his photo ‘Walking the Shep’s Head Way’.
Third prize was awarded to Brad Towns, Kealties for his photo ‘A Stone’s Throw from Heaven’.
Congratulations to all and a sincere thanks to all those who entered the competition.
All pictures are available for sale at 15 euro per copy and will be on display again at our Christmas night on December 15th in Kilcrohane Hall details of which are outlined below.
Preparing for the Yuletide Season
The Community Council would like to invite you to an evening with a seasonal theme to get you in the Christmas mood. It will be held in Kilcrohane Hall on Wednesday, December 15th at 8pm.
It will include demonstrations of the following:
Preparing the Christmas Dinner
Christmas Cake Decorations &
Flower Arranging for Christmas.
There will be refreshments & a chance to taste the results of the cookery demonstration!!! Admission is €5. A raffle will also be held. The photographs from our recent exhibition will be on display again on this night and will be available for sale at a cost of 15 euro per print. They would make great Christmas presents.
Christmas Day Swim
The Annual Christmas Day swim will take place at Ahakista Pier. This year it is in aid of the West Cork Rapid Response Unit. Participants should be ready to swim at 1pm. Sponsorship cards are available from Arundel’s Bar, on 086-1012150 or e-mail
Christmas Bazaar
The annual Christmas Bazaar will be held in Kilcrohane Hall on Sunday, December 12th, commencing at 2.30pm. There will be a massive cake sale, wheel of fortune and many other stalls. Santa will also be arriving. Admission is free.
The Community Council will hold a table quiz on Monday, December 27th in The Bay View Bar, Kilcrohane. The quiz will start at 9pm. The cost is €20.00 per table of four.
Your support would be appreciated. It promises to be an enjoyable night out.
The pupils of Kilcrohane N.S. will perform their Christmas play on Friday, December 17th in Kilcrohane Hall. For further details with regard to a date and time, please contact the school on 027-67285.
Upcoming Elections
The current Community Council’s tenure is up in March 2011 so it is time to begin considering who to vote for as your area representative. Perhaps you may be interested in serving on the Community Council yourself. It would be great to welcome some new members with fresh energy and ideas.
Current members will organise the distribution and collection of ballot papers and will provide a list of the residents in your voting area. This process will get underway next February.
Rowing Club News
Rowing Club members continue to train Monday and Thursday nights from 7-9 p.m. in Ahakista. A calendar for 2011 will be available in local shops and in Bantry. Thanks are extended to all who sponsored this calendar.
The Community Council would like to congratulate Mrs. Helen Cadogan who recently retired from her post as principal of Rusnachara N.S. and also Mrs. Helen Burke who retired as principal of Carrigboy N.S. in Durrus.
We wish them many enjoyable and productive years in retirement and thank them for all they have contributed to the community over the years.
The latest extension to the Sheep's Head Way is now almost complete. The new route extends from the existing Sheep's Head Way at Glanlough with a 1.2 km walk through Coillte Woodland at Dromreagh and on through Coolcoulaghta for a further 4.1 kms via Mount Corrin (Péicín) to the Mine Road. This walk offers some spectacular scenery and also has many archaeological features.
The Sheep's Head Way in conjunction with Durrus & District Community Council hope to officially open this route with a charity walk on St. Stephen's Day. Proceeds will be in aid of Bantry Rural Transport.
Walkers can register at Durrus Community Hall at 12:30 on the day and will be transported by Rural Transport buses to the walk. Buses will also be available for the return journey to Durrus where some refreshments will be served.
The walk should take a maximum of 3.5 hours with a shorter option available for the less enthusiastic. We look forward to seeing you on the day.
Durrus Bingo
€1,000 Bingo will be held on Friday, 10th of December in Durrus Community Hall. It will commence at 8.30 pm.
There will be fantastic raffle prizes. Your support would be greatly appreciated.
Muintir Bháire Community Council would like to thank everybody who contributed to the church gate collection held recently.
Digital Photography Classes
It is planned to start the Digital Photography course with Eileen O’Leary on Saturday the 22nd of January at 11am. The plan would be to hold it on a Saturday morning so that as we get going we could do a little work out on location.
Eileen will bring a projector to review work. It is planned to hold a monthly class and this will give participants time to complete an assignment and send Eileen their ten best images on a memory stick for her to review before the next class.
The course would run monthly from January to June. It is planned that the course work will be exhibited in the summer in a number of locations.
The fee for six sessions of two hours is €90. This is based on 12 participants taking part in the course.
If you have not already given your name to Anne O’Donovan to book a place on the course, please do so as soon as possible.
You can contact her at 086 6017648 or email:
Art Classes
If you are interested in attending art classes in the New Year, please contact one of the community council members named below.
Once we gauge the interest level, further details will follow.
Please contact us if you have any items for inclusion in future newsletters.
We would be grateful if you would let us know if you have any up-coming events. We would hope this would ensure that local community events do not clash.
You may text or telephone one of the following:
Annette Nicholas 086 3206046
Anne O’Donovan 086 6017648
Mary O’Mahony 027-67060
Deirdre Towns 087 7940860
Muintir Bháire Parish Christmas Mass Schedule for 2010
Penance Service and Confession times
There will be a General Penance Service during all Masses on Saturday 18th & Sunday 19th. Confessions will also be held on Wednesday 22nd @ 7 pm in Kilcrohane @ 8 pm in Durrus.
Christmas Mass Times:
Christmas Eve
6.00 pm Children’s Mass in Rusnacahara
7.30 pm Kilcrohane
9.00 pm Gortalassa
Carol Service
A Carol Service will be held at St. James’ Church, Durrus on Monday, 20th of December beginning at 7.30pm.
The Carol Service is being organized by the Church of Ireland and the Roman Catholic Church and all are welcome to attend.
West Cork Bike Festival
We would like to thank all the landowners, Sheep's Head Way, Kilcrohane Development and everyone that helped out on the day. Although our numbers were down due to clashing with The GaelForce West Adventure race in Mayo the new course and the event in general received a lot of compliments and is sure to be a bigger success next year.
On the subject of Adventure racing which is becoming hugely popular here in Ireland in conjunction with the Bay Run Team we will be staging the first Sheep's Head Storm Adventure race on 18th June 2011 which we would like to start in Kilcrohane with a transition to Kayaking in Ahakista and eventually finishing in Bantry.
The event will be a great way to promote the planned Adventure Centre at Ahakista and the perfect terrain that Sheep's Head has to offer.
Matt Mills, Sustain West Cork - 027 29063 or 0877 990607 or
Social Centre Update
The Muintir Bháire Community Council Social Centre held a Tea Dance in Kilcrohane Community Hall in October and there was a great turnout of locals and many visitors from the surrounding areas.
It is hoped that we will have another one in the spring.
The November gathering of the Social Centre was held in Eileen's Bar on Wednesday the 24th November. In addition to having soup, sandwiches and dessert, the group enjoyed chocolates, (which had been kindly donated) while being entertained by the renowned story teller, Teddy Black. A great afternoon was enjoyed by all and thanks to everyone who helped make it a success.
The next Social Centre Christmas lunch will be held on the 7th of December in Bay View. This is a few weeks earlier than normal but it was decided to have it early to avoid clashing with other events that will be on during the month.
The Christmas lunch will commence at 12.30pm and will be followed by music from James Kelleher with lots of dancing.
Muintir Bháire Community Council would like to take this opportunity to invite you all to come along if you are at a loose end as these monthly gatherings are open to all older people in the parish and we would be delighted to see you.
The Tuesday morning group has just finished three weeks of basket making with Martin O'Flynn. He was a very patient tutor and everyone went home with a completed basket.
This three week course was funded by the VEC and we will do something else in the spring if we can get more tutor hours. We are awaiting news of funding for our yoga classes in the New Year. If you would like to take part in the Tuesday morning group, please contact Julie.
Finally we would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you who come and participate in the different events. The Community Council and our Social Centre Co-ordinator would like to wish all the group a very happy and peaceful Christmas and look forward to seeing you on the 7th of December in the Bay View.
If you have any queries, please contact the co-ordinator, Julie on 027-70832.
Muintir Bháire Community Council members wish you all a Happy and Peaceful Christmas and we wish you the best for the New Year.
Muintir Bháire Newsletter Issue 20
Produced by Muintir Bháire Community Council December 2010
Muintir Bháire Community Council Newsletter
Issue #20 October / November 2010
Photography Exhibition 2010
Sunday, 14th November 2010 at 3.30pm, Kilcrohane Community Hall
Muintir Bhaire Community Council would like to thank all those who entered our summer photography competition, which had the theme ‘Muinitir Bhaire – A Celebration of People & Place’. An exhibition of all the photographs that were entered will be held.
. As well as an opportunity to see all the photographs entered, there will a chance to purchase copies of the photographs, which could make ideal Christmas presents!!.
The prize winners will be announced at the exhibition and there will be refreshments.
Computer Classes
Muintir Bhaire Community Council has liaised with Cork County VEC to have computer classes run in Kilcrohane this autumn.
There will be a beginners and improvers class.
The classes will commence on 14th October
If you wish to book a place, please give your name to Anne O’Donovan, Tel: 086 6017648 as
National Trails Day Walk
There will be a guided walk of Cahir Loop, a part of the Sheeps Head Way, on Sunday, 3rd October.
The meeting point will be the Blackgate at 2pm. It will be a moderate to easy walk passing small lakes, an old burial ground and Trá Ruaim, a rocky strand.
Contact James on 087 9722065 for further information
Children’s Halloween Party
There will be a Halloween Party for children aged under 12 in Kilcrohane Hall on Sunday, 31st October. Children are invited to assemble at the hall at 5.30pm, accompanied by an adult to go ‘trick or treating’ in the village.
Afterwards there will be a party in the Hall with some seasonal fun and games.
Keep Fit Classes
If you are interested in getting fit you may be interested in joining an eight week aerobics class, which is commencing on Tuesday, 12th October in Kilcrohane Hall. Classes will be from 8pm – 9pm.
The tutor is Imelda Murnane and she can be contacted on 086 3912607 or on 027 55525
Eight week course will cost €65
New Website for Jobseekers
West Cork Development Partnership have developed a new website for people who are unemployed & seeking work. It is
Tidy Towns Competition 2010
The results of the Tidy Towns Competition 2010 were announced recently and it was great to see that Kilcrohane was awarded 272 marks up from 263 in 2009. Congratulations to all involved in achieving these results.
The report of the adjudicator who visited Kilcrohane is available on the website . The following are some quotes from the report:
‘The National School and the Star of the Sea Catholic Church are dominant features, both well cared for and maintained, as are the public houses and businesses’;
‘The playground is old-style and extremely popular, beautifully maintained, with public parking nearby’;
‘The freshly painted community hall is much improved’;
‘Do be vigilant in weeding out evidence of Japanese knotweed…’
‘The picnic area at the pier is a great idea, very popular and an asset to be cherished’
‘A substantial wildlife board at the playground is very informative…Several visitors from abroad stopped to enjoy this while the adjudicator was in the vicinity – well done for that!’
‘The blue litter bins in front of the school were bright and clean, adding a splash of colour. The bring bank seems to be working well’
‘A pleasant walk was the charming lane signed for Farnamanagh Lake…’
‘Kilcrohane is of good general appearance, colour and flowers everywhere..’
Ahakista Festival & Regatta Report
The Ahakista Community Association would like to thank sincerely all the sponsors, stewards, tickets sellers, volunteers, clubs and other community groups who helped make this years festival & regatta a major success. Without their help a festival or regatta would not be possible.
For bingo we had a full house, the quiz night in Arundel’s was won by team Max Power, second the Cordero’s and third the Herons. After the fog cleared on Saturday a large group headed out on a guided hill walk from Dunour along to mass path across Baran and back to Ahakista.
The Car Treasure Hunt took groups all around the Sheep’s Head, every detail mattered, this was won by ‘Four Generations’ of the O’ Sullivan Family, Roskerig.
Regatta began early on Sunday morning with two great wins for Ahakista rowing club. The winners of the raft race were Glenlough Bail and the funniest raft was awarded to Dunmanus Star. Ciara Collins won dinner for two in the Maritime when she found the Festival Fugitive..
A celebrity was in our midst when Graham Norton announced the winner of the logo competition, Ahakista, A Treasure to be Found designed by Caoimhe Barry & the Muintir Bhaire Person of the Year was awarded to Carmel Nash.
At the fishing competition Nigel & John aboard ‘Niamh’ won the Jack Tobin memorial cup for the biggest catch.
A jam-packed hall for cards finished off the festivities on a high note.
Winners of the grand prize draw
1st Fionn Nupton, Skibbereen
2nd Mary Casstles, Ahakista
3rd Brendan Phelan, Co Laois
4th Tony Byrne, Co Dublin
5th Dominic Casey, Baltimore.
Thank You
Kilcrohane Development Association would like to thank Sue and Roger Goss for their generosity in covering the cost of producing the Wildlife Information Board, which was erected in the playground during the summer and which received positive mention by the Tidy Towns Adjudicator.
Table Quiz
Muintir Bhaire Community Council will hold a table quiz in Hannie Murphys Bar, in the Westlodge Hotel, Bantry on Friday, 19th November 2010. It will commence at 8.30pm.
€20 for a table of four
Your support would be appreciated
Digital Photography Course
Would you be interested in leaning more about digital photography? Would you like to improve your photographs or learn to use all of the features on your camera?
If there is enough interest, Muintir Bhaire Community Council will arrange a Digital Photography course, which would take place in Kilcrohane. It would run on either Friday evenings or on Saturday mornings, depending on the interest of the group.
Please contact Anne at 086 6017649 or email, if you would be interested in this course
Church Gate Collection
Muintir Bhaire Community Council will take up its annual church gate collection in Ahakista on Saturday, 30th October and in Kilcrohane on Sunday, 31st October.
Your support would be appreciated
Knitting Club
In recent times there has been a resurgence of interest in knitting and knitting clubs have become popular in many places.
There has been a suggestion that it would be a good idea to start one locally for the winter months. The idea is that you bring along your knitting/crochet and work on it while chatting with the rest of the group. There is usuall a cuppa and plenty of laughs.
Contact Anne at 086 6017648 if you would be interested.
Social Centre Update
The Social Activities Group had a good turnout for their June lunch in The Bay View. We had no monthly lunch for the month of July as there were many activities going on in the Kilcrohane area. We did have a gathering in August in the Hall where we had a lovely BBQ with Kurt and Ulla. Although the group was small an enjoyable afternoon was had by all.
Our next lunch will be held on Wednesday , 29th September in Kilcrohane hall, at 12.30pm do come and join us. Another tea-dance is planned for the 27th of October in the hall with music by James Kelleher, more details later. If you know of anyone living on their own or anyone who enjoys socialising do bring them along to the monthly gatherings, it would be great to see new faces.
The weekly exercise group has gone from strength to strength and we met throughout the summer, walking in the local area and enjoying coffee and treats in the local cafes or in the homes of the group members, a great sense of friendship has been established in this group. Once again we would love to see new people joining us on a Tuesday morning at 10.30am at the hall in Kilcrohane.
We have secured tutor hours to hold basket making in November and anyone interested should contact me (Julie 70832) as soon as possible as places are limited. We also hope to gain funding to run yoga classes in the new year more info later. If anyone has any ideas or suggestions for the Social Activities Group please feel free to contact Julie at any time, thanks to you all for your participation.
Creamery Stands
Work was carried out during the summer to restore the old creamery stands at Glanlough & Foilkilla. If you have any memorabilia or any stories relating to the period when they were in use, please pass on to Marion O’Brien, Tel: 086 3267326
Thanks again to all who donated old churns for the display.
Contact Details
If you have any up-coming community events, please let us know & we will be happy to include them in this newsletter.
Annette Nicholas: 0863206046
Anne O’Donovan: 086 6017648
Mary O’Mahony 027 67060
Deirdre Towns: 087 7940860
Update from Sheeps Head Way
The Sheeps Head Way was walked in early September by walking inspector Padraig O’ Donoghue of the National Trails Office. His initial report regarding the standard of the trail was positive.
Know Your Rights: Farm partnerships
My wife and I have worked together on our farm all our lives. I have been paying Class S stamps for most of my working life. We are now reaching pension age and are wondering about our rights to a pension?
If you have paid Class S PRSI contributions for most of your working life you will probably be eligible for a State Pension (Contributory) when you reach 66. You can then claim for your wife as a qualified adult on your pension – however any income she has will be taken into account. If your wife was a partner in your business she may be able to qualify for a non-means tested contributory State Pension in her own right.
If, in practice, you and your wife were farming in a partnership but did not claim to be in a partnership when making tax and PRSI returns you can claim partnership status retrospectively. Each case is investigated by the Department of Social Protection under the spouses' partnership criteria. If you wish to claim partnership retrospectively you will need to make sure that you have adequate supporting documentation for the relevant years.
When you work with your spouse in a business partnership, you must make tax returns under the Revenue self-assessment system (for self-employed people). These tax returns must show the partnership income of each spouse so that PRSI contributions can be calculated accurately. Your first step should be to contact the Revenue Commissioners to register your farm partnership so your wife can begin paying Class S stamps.
If a Social Welfare Inspector from the Scope Section of the Department of Social Protection decides that a partnership existed* your wife can pay her Class S contributions retrospectively for the relevant years (if you each had an income of at least €3,174 each year).
It is important to remember that even if a partnership existed and your wife pays any outstanding social insurance contributions this does not entitle her to a pension at age 66 unless she meets all the other criteria.
You should check the full eligibility conditions for benefits and pensions on before deciding whether to apply for retrospective partnership status.
Your local Citizens Information Centre can help you work out whether you may qualify for a pension.
*If the deciding officer decides that a partnership did not exist you may appeal the decision to the Social Welfare Appeals Office.
Further information is available from Bantry Citizens Information Centre, Wolfe Tone Square, Bantry, Co. Cork, Tel: 027 52100
Muintir Bháire Community Council Newsletter
Issue #20 October / November 2010
Muintir Bháire Community Council Newsletter
Issue 19 Summer 2010
Photography Competition
Muintir Bháire Community Council recently launched its summer 2010 photography competition which is open to all amateur photographers.
Residents of the Sheeps Head Peninsula and visitors to the area are all encouraged to participate. You do not have to be an experienced photographer to enter.
All you need is a camera, a bit of a creative flare and the desire to win the top prize of €250.
The theme for the competition will be "Muintir Bháire: A Celebration of People and Place”.
To subsidise prizes and administration costs necessary to run the competition efficiently, a contribution in the form of an entry fee of €5 is required per image.
All photographs must be taken on the Sheep’s Head Peninsula between 29th May 2010 and 5th August 2010 (inclusive). The closing date for entries is Tuesday, 3rd August 2010.
The competition entries will be exhibited in Kilcrohane Community Hall on a date to be announced and copies of the photographs will be sold to raise funds for Muintir Bháire Community Council Ltd. In addition the Community Council will retain the right to use the photographs in future publications.
The terms and conditions of the competition and the application form are available on the website of Muintir Bháire Community Council, .
It is hoped that as many people as possible will get involved with the competition. So grab your camera and head to the Sheep’s Head peninsula to enjoy its beautiful scenery and welcoming people and start snapping!!
First prize: €250 Second prize: €150 Third prize: €100
If you would like any further information, contact Anne on 086 6017648 or Deirdre on 087 7940860.
Sheep’s Head Summer Camp
Calling all local primary school children!! Or perhaps you have friends or family visiting the area who might be interested in finding activities for their children.
Muintir Bháire Community Council has located Miriam Burke B.Ed. to coordinate an adventure camp for 5 to 12 year olds which will run from Monday, July 12th to Friday, July 16th.
The camp will be held in Kilcrohane Hall and the Community Field. Each day will run from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and activities will include:
Soccer, football, baseball, rounders, basketball, pitch n putt, unihoc, indoor bowling, hopscotch, relays, scoopball, arts and crafts. Children should bring a packed lunch each day and plenty of water.
The camp costs: €55 – 1 child, €105 – 2 children, €150 – 3 children (It costs an additional €45 for every subsequent child.) The cost is being subsidised by Muintir Bháire Community Council.
A deposit of €30 per child is required to secure the place. Please contact Deirdre on 087-7940860 for further information.
Kilcrohane Carnival July13th -18th
The Kilcrohane Carnival will get underway with a card drive in Kilcrohane Hall at 9 p.m. on July 13th.
There will be children’s races at 7:30 p.m on Friday night.
There will be road bowling and a duck race, details of which will be announced closer to the time.
The usual field events will take place on Sunday in the Community Field preceded by the much anticipated Fancy Dress Parade due to begin at 2:30 p.m. in the village.
Ahakista Community Association
14th Annual Ahakista Festival & Regatta
29th July to 3rd August 2010
Saturday Cake Sale & Coffee Time 24th Arundel’s Bar, Ahakista. 12 – 3pm
Thursday 29th Bingo in Durrus Hall @ 8.30pm €500 jackpot ,transport provided from Kealkill, Bantry & Kilcrohane.
Friday 30th Quiz time in Arundel’s Bar @9pm
Saturday 31st Guided Walk on the award winning Sheep’s Head Way 11am registration
Car Treasure Hunt with possible treasure of €500 4pm registration. Road Bowling
Music in local pubs until late
Sunday 1st Regatta (bring own life jacket for all water events). Blessing of the boats at 1pm
Gig & Kayak Racing, Water Zorbing. Raft, swimming & duck races. Try a Tiny Triathlon (register @ 2 on the pier). Craft & Produce fair, Different Food stalls. Kiddies entertainment area. Find the Festival Fugitive.
Open air music on the platform with Peter Lane
Announcement of the Muintir Bháire Person of the Year & the winner of the Logo competition with Graham Norton. Grand Prize Draw.
Music in local pubs til late
Monday 2nd The Jack Tobin Memorial Fishing Competition 3-6pm
Tuesday 3rd 45 Progressive Card Drive in Kilcrohane Hall @9pm
Sale of all food reserved - Sale of Tickets reserved - Strictly no hawkers
Watch out for the final programme nearer the time or check out
For further information on any aspect of the festival and regatta please contact Michelle on 086-1012150 or
Durrus Events
Durrus Carnival will be held from the 8th to the 11th of July with a funfair in the Community Field and the field events on Sunday.
The hugely successful annual Garden Fete will be held in the garden of the rectory of the Church of Ireland on Wednesday, August 11th.
West Cork Bike Festival
The 2010 West Cork Bike Fest will take place on the weekend of August 21st and 22nd. This year the Sheep's Head Raid Mountainbike Marathon will run on the Saturday with a planned charity road ride around the peninsula on the Sunday.
It has been decided to run it this way in order to maximise the spend in the area as it is anticipated that competitors and riders will stay Saturday night on the Sheep's Head peninsula.
Despite the inclement weather, the competitors really enjoyed the Sheep's Head Raid last year. Thanks again to those who helped organise and marshal the event.
Anybody willing to act as marshals for one or both days should please contact Matt Mills on 087 7990607. For more information, go to
Defibrillator News
We are delighted to announce that a defibrillator has been purchased for Kilcrohane village. The Community Council wishes to thank Mary Daly, Bay View for her hard work in raising €1700 which in addition to the €1700 the Community Council had raised enabled us to purchase the machine, a protective box and locks.
A location for the machine in the village has yet to be decided and all the trained individuals must obtain insurance before the machine becomes operational but it is hoped that this will happen without delay.
Meanwhile, when checking the defibrillator at Ahakista Pier, it was discovered that the machine was not working. It has been removed for repair and the box and machine will be relocated to a more accessible and more secure location.
The next Defibrillator Group meeting will be held in Kilcrohane Hall at 7:30 p.m. on the 30th of June.
Rowing Club Success
Congratulations to the rowing club team members Carmel Nash, Mícheál Kelleher, Colin Donovan and John O’Mahony, coxed by John O’Sullivan, who won the Invitational Outrigger in the Ocean to City 15 mile row.
Well done also to the double crew of Brian Cronin, Gerard Mahony and Darragh Nitsch who also completed the course in very good time.
Computer Classes
Muintir Bháire Community Council has been in contact with Cork County VEC re holding Computer Classes in Kilcrohane in the autumn.It is planned to have beginners and improver classes.
Teresa O'Sullivan, coordinator, said that she will send posters and brochures, which the Community Council will circulate.
If you are interested, please contact Anne at 086 6017648 to book a place. Further details will be available later.
Wayne Sheehy - Kilcrohane Music School
This July Wayne Sheehy will run a children’s summer school for all ages in Kilcrohane Community Hall.
The goal of the course is to focus on teaching basic skills for drumming, guitar, keyboards and singing, in a safe, calm and un environment.
The group will work both collectively and individually, all instruments will be provided and a recording will be made as well as a short performance given on completion.
No previous experience is required. Wayne will have a co facilitator (female) working with him.
The course will run from Mon, 19th July to Friday, 23rd July from 10am-2pm each day. The cost will be €100 per week; a packed lunch will be required as will a notebook and blank CDs.
Wayne is an occasional resident of Kilcrohane and was raised in Kilcrohane. He is a renowned international musician who made his name playing with people such as Ron Wood (Rolling Stones), Hothouse Flowers, Bo Diddley, Robert Palmer, The Chieftans, Damien Dempsey, Paul Brady and Van Morrison to name but a few. He is trained in harmony and is a well recognised record producer. He is a multi-instrumentalist.
For more info on Wayne please see
For enquiries tel 087 2885830 or email:
Kayaking Courses
Darren of Darren’s Kayaks is available for mini excursions and tuition sessions on the bay catering for all skill levels and needs.
He can be contacted on 027-61515 for further information or check out
Local Wildlife Poster
A poster depicting a selection of the wide variety of local wildlife will be erected in Kilcrohane Playground.
There are pictures of some birds, plants and sea life with a brief description of each on display.
Children from Kilcrohane N.S. were invited to participate and three volunteers came forward.
Kilcrohane Development Association would like to thank local children, Aoife, Christopher and Michael O’Donovan who worked with Sue Goss and Anne O’Donovan to compile the poster.
Social Club Update
The Social Activities group held their first Tea-dance in Kilcrohane hall on the 26th of May.
It was an amazing success, we had visitors from the Coomhola and Borlin areas, from Caheragh, from Glengarriff and some neighbours from Durrus. The afternoon was lively with fantastic dance music from James Kelleher.
We enjoyed lovely sandwiches and homemade cakes and there were many donated raffle prizes won. The feedback from the afternoon has been very positive and it is hoped to have another Tea-dance in the fall.
Julie would like to thank the many volunteers who helped with the event. It was much appreciated.
The Activities Group will visit the Sheep’s Head on the 6th of July and transport will leave the Bay View at 2.00pm.
The group will spend an hour or so walking or chatting, and of course a visit to Bernie’s Café is a must.
We should be back again in Kilcrohane at 5.00 pm approx.
To book a place contact Julie on 027 70832. A small fee may apply if we cannot get the Rural Transport bus.
The exercise group continues to meet at 10.30am outside the village hall on Tuesdays.
We would love to see new faces and all are welcome to come along. If the weather is fine we usually walk in the local area or visit a place of interest in the locality.
Recently we visited the Wiseman’s gardens in Durrus and after a leisurely stroll around the stunning gardens we enjoyed coffee and scones in a local establishment.
So if you are interested just come along or contact Julie on 70832.
Friends of Lesotho Cake Sale
A cake sale in aid of orphaned and vulnerable children in Lesotho will take place in Kilcrohane on Sunday 16th July.
It is being organised by Kathleen Tobin and will held outside Kilcrohane National School after 11:30 mass. A great range of delicious home-baked cakes, scones and bread will be on offer.
It's all in a good cause with 100% of the money raised going directly to Lesotho to fund two feeding programmes supporting a total of over 120 children orphaned by HIV/AIDS.
Many of these children end up in households headed by children or in the care of elderly relatives who cannot provide adequately for them. Being well-nourished makes it easier for the children to attend school and stay healthy.
Donations of cakes will be welcome on the stall on the day or can be handed into Colleen O'Kane at the Craft Shop, Glengarriff Road, Bantry.
Poets Express in Kilcrohane
On Saturday, July 10th, there will be a free evening of entertainment focusing on performance poetry in the Bayview Inn, Kilcrohane.
Activities start at 4 p.m. and mainstage guests include Mags Treaner, Dale Mawhinney, Tomás Ó Cárthaigh and Antonionioni. Experimental video and film from around the world will be shown.
There will be an Afternoon Writer’s Workshop and a Poets Networking Meeting.
A BBQ and raffle will be held.
The Rural Transport will provide FREE transportation from Bantry to the event.
Dunmanus Bay Marine Association
Was formed in 1995 to protect the Bay from intensive mussel aquaculture.
Because the new threat of salmon farming is more serious, the Association is in process of becoming a registered company, limited by guarantee and with charitable status.
The objectives have been widened to focus on job creation for the Dunmanus Bay region and promotion of the Bay as the last unspoiled Bay in South West Ireland.
We represent Ahakista Community Association, Durrus Community Council, Goleen Community Council, Muintir Bháire Community Council, Barley Cove Beach SAC, Mizen Head Visitor Centre and The Sheep's Head Way, and will have a representative from each of these organisations on our committee.
We are sure that the unanimous rejection of Marine Harvest by the entire community will be enough to protect and preserve the Bay but we are prepared for a legal battle if this becomes necessary.
The official website is:
Dunmanus Bay Marine Association
Dunmanus Bay
The Last Unspoiled Bay in SW Ireland
Muintir Bháire Newsletter
Produced by Muintir Bháire Community Council 4
Issue 19 -Summer 2010
Muintir Bháire Newsletter
Muintir Bháire Community Council Newsletter
Issue 18 May/June 2010
Photography Presentation
Are you interested in photography and wildlife? Then perhaps you might like to come along to an evening with renowned photographer Mike Brown, who is based in Clonakilty.
Muintir Bháire Community Council would like to invite you to join Mike Brown for a presentation and talk on Thursday, May 27th at 8:30 p.m. in Kilcrohane Hall.
Entry costs 5 euro and all are welcome to attend.
This will set the mood for a photography competition which is planned for the summer, the theme of which is life on the Sheep's Head Peninsula. Details regarding the competition will be shared on the night.
photo competition entrance form
Beach Clean-Up
Thanks to all who helped with the recent beach clean-up which the Community Council held as part of the National Spring Clean. Almost ninety bags of rubbish were collected on the day and we extend our thanks to the County Council who collected the bags.
We are also happy to report that the Community Council organised the filling of the large hole at Gortnakilla Pier which was proving to be a dump site and a serious hazard.
Sheep’s Head Walk
Muintir Bháire Community Council will hold a fundraising walk on Sunday, June 6th, commencing after mass at 12:15 p.m. approximately. Registration will take place at Kilcrohane Hall.
There will be a choice of two walks on the day, one of which will be more strenuous. Each walk will take between two and three hours.
Donations are at your own discretion and all proceeds will be used to fund the purchase of a defibrillator and to subsidise summer camp and adult classes. Your support on the day would be greatly appreciated.
Defibrillator Group
Another training course was held recently and an additional eight people completed the course which means that a total of seventeen people from the Ahakista/ Kilcrohane area have completed their training.
We are thrilled to have met our target in terms of having the manpower to operate the defibrillator.
We currently have a shortfall of approximately €400 for the purchase of the defibrillator machine, paediatric pads, a storage box and lock for Kilcrohane village.
We are hoping that the proceeds from our walk will fund the deficit and that we can purchase the defibrillator and have it operational for the summer.
Upcoming Events for The Ahakista Community Association
A Summer Time Table Quiz will be held on Friday the 4th of June at 9 o’clock in
Arundel’s Bar, Ahakista.
'Scorching' questions will be guaranteed for the teams of four.
Proceeds will be split between West Cork Rapid Response and Ahakista Activity Centre. All support will be very much appreciated.
Ahakista Festival & Regatta
Logo Design Competition
This competition asks you to design a Logo for Ahakista Community Association.
Entries should display an image/ illustration and phrase that is associated with Ahakista.
The local community and a panel of judges (including Graham Norton) will decide on the finalists.
The closing date for entries is the 9th of July, 2010.
Entries should be no larger than A5
and should be posted to M O' Brien, Rusnacahara, Ahakista
along with an entry fee of €2.
Check out for more information.
Local Wildlife Project
As part of the 2010 Tidy Towns application, it is planned to display a poster on local flora and fauna. It would be nice if local schoolchildren got involved in the project.
There will be a meeting in Kilcrohane Hall on Monday, May 24th at 5 pm to start work on the project. Children from 3rd to 6th classes are invited to attend and should be accompanied by an adult.
Social Club Update
The Muintir Bháire Social Activities Group has been busy. A women's health and beauty workshop was held in Kilcrohane Community Hall on Tuesday the 18th of May. A very enjoyable day was had by the ladies who attended.
The group will hold their monthly lunch in Kilcrohane Hall next Wednesday, the 26th of May. A cold buffet will be served at 1.00pm followed by music with James Kelleher at 2.00pm. It is hoped that groups from Coomhola, Borlin and Caheragh will join us on the day.
This tea-dance will be a celebration of the Bealtaine festival, so do come along as a great afternoon is assured. To book lunch or arrange transportation contact Julie on 027-70832 or 0861591040.
The weekly exercise group continues to meet every Tuesday morning at 10.30am outside the hall. The group walks if the weather permits, otherwise they use the hall. It would be lovely to see new faces. Everyone is welcome.
It is hoped to organise a trip to Sheep's Head in the coming weeks and also a daytrip in June/July. More details will be available as soon as arrangements are made.
The Community Council is delighted to have been approved for a grant of €13,000 from the HSE to fund the Social Club for another year. This covers the coordinator’s salary, insurance, rental, administrative and entertainment costs.
Blackgate Museum Project
We are delighted to announce that the Community Council’s application to West Cork Development Partnership for funding to complete the Alice West Project has been successful. Fitz Construction has been awarded the contract and it is hoped that work will commence shortly.
Muintir Bháire Newsletter
Produced by Muintir Bháire Community Council May/June 2010
**** Proposed Salmon Farm in Dunmanus Bay ****
Please check out for further info,
Below is the letter submitted by the Community Council to SilverKing Seafoods Ltd. in response to the proposed salmon farm.
Muintir na Tíre
Muintir Bháire Community Council Ltd.,
Kilcrohane, Bantry, Co. Cork
John Power,
Silver King Seafoods Ltd.,
The Pier,
Co. Cork.
Dear Mr. Power,
Muintir Bháire Community Council is a group of twenty-five people representing an area spanning from Kealties to Sheep’s Head. We believe, as representatives of community members, we should voice local reaction to the recently dispersed scoping letter. Feedback that we have received indicates that there is a strong feeling against the proposed salmon farm at Dooneen Point for the following reasons:
The above points are a synopsis of the strong opposition that there is locally to your proposal for a salmon farm in the bay.
Deirdre Towns
Secretary (writing on behalf of the Community Council)
Muintir Bháire Newsletter
Muintir Bháire Community Council Newsletter
Issue 17 April/May 2010
Easter Egg Hunt
The Community Council will hold an Easter Egg Hunt after mass in Kilcrohane on Easter Sunday, weather permitting. Mass is at 9 a.m. so all preschool and primary school age children are welcome to gather in Kilcrohane Community Field below the Bay View at 10 o’clock approximately. Children should be accompanied by an adult. We hope this will be an enjoyable time for all.
Annual Beach Clean-Up
In conjunction with the National Spring Clean, Muintir Bháire Community Council will hold a Beach Clean-Up on Saturday, April 24th, weather permitting. Volunteers should meet at either Kilcrohane Hall or Ahakista Pier at 11 a.m. and they will disperse from the meeting points to the local beaches. Community Council members will distribute bags at the meeting points and will coordinate the collection of the rubbish by the Cork County Council. All community members are encouraged to participate to help fight against the increase in dumping on our beaches and to restore the natural beauty of our area. Primary school children must be accompanied by an adult. We hope to see a good turnout on the day.
Future Community Council Fundraising Activities
Sunday, May 2nd – Bake Sale after Kilcrohane Mass
Sunday, June 6th – Sheep’s Head Way Walk
Further details will follow closer to the dates outlined. Your support in helping us raise money for our running costs is greatly appreciated.
Photography Presentation
Renowned photographer Mike Brown, who is based in Clonakilty, has agreed to come to do a presentation and talk in Kilcrohane Hall this May. A date has yet to be decided. This will set the mood for a photography competition which is planned for June. A day will be chosen for entrants to take a photograph of life on Muintir Bháire Peninsula – the theme of the competition being ‘A Day in the Life of Muintir Bháire Peninsula’. More information will follow when details are finalised.
Birthday Wishes
Family and friends of Maggie Daly, Cahir wish her a very ‘Happy 90th Birthday’. We hope that she enjoys the celebrations on this wonderful milestone birthday.
Community Council Website
Each edition of the newsletter is uploaded on our website You can visit the site to find out more about our work. The Community Council wishes to thank Roger Goss for the work he has done to help maintain the website.
Schedule of Holy Week Ceremonies
Holy Thursday:
5 PM-Mass for ALL the children of the parish and families in Rusnacahara -as part of this Mass the feet of children, who would like it, will be washed.
7 PM-Mass of the Last Supper in Durrus
9 PM-Mass of the Last Supper in Kilcrohane
Good Friday:
12 noon-Good Friday Liturgy in Kilcrohane
1.30 PM-Good Friday Prayers in Durrus
3 PM-The Stations of the Cross we will begin in the Sacred Heart Church and walk up through Durrus and then past Carrigboy N.S. and finish at St. James’ Church. There will be 14 crosses placed at various places along the route at which we will stop to pray the Stations - all are welcome to attend. If the weather does not permit, the Stations will be prayed in the Sacred Heart Church Durrus.
7 PM-Good Friday Prayers in Gortalassa
Holy Saturday:
10 AM-Morning Prayer in St. James Church.
7 PM-Mass of Easter in Gortalassa
8.30 PM-Easter Vigil Mass in Kilcrohane
10 PM-Easter Vigil in Durrus
(Easter fire will be lit etc. in both Kilcrohane and Durrus)
Easter Sunday:
9AM-Mass in Kilcrohane
10.30 AM-Mass in Rusnacahara
11.30 AM-Mass in Durrus
Summer Art Classes
Fiona Power, art instructor, is willing to do an outdoor art course this summer, providing there is sufficient interest. If you would like to take part in this course, please contact one of the following community council members.
Annette Nicholas 086 3206046
Anne O’Donovan 086 6017648
Mary O’Mahony 027 67060
Deirdre Towns 087 7940860
Theatre/Culture Club
If you are interested in joining a group/club which would organise and go on trips to see theatre productions, exhibitions or other performances, please give your name to one of the community council members listed above. If there is sufficient interest we will coordinate the setting up of this group.
Social Club Happenings
The next Social Club get-together will be on Tuesday, March 31st in Fitzpatrick’s Bar. The PALS gentle exercise class continues on Tuesday mornings at 10:30 a.m. in Kilcrohane Hall. It is followed by tea and coffee. If you are interested, you are welcome to join at any time. Another meal will follow in April and it is hoped to have a tea dance in May to celebrate the Bealtaine festival. Further details will be advertised when plans are confirmed.
Creamery Stand at Gortnakilla
Work is underway to restore the creamery stand at Gortnakilla. A plaque explaining the traditional function of the creamery stand will be put there. The Community Council wishes to thank Dolores Talty, Ahileague as well as Eric and Patricia Dukelow, Rossmore, who provided traditional churns for the creamery
Proposed Salmon Farm in Dunmanus Bay
A public information meeting was held in Kilcrohane Hall on March 12th in response to a scoping letter which was circulated locally proposing that a 75 acre salmon farm be positioned east of Dooneen Point. The meeting was extremely well attended. More information and latest updates can be found on the website
Activities undertaken by the Community Council March 2009-March 2010
Approximately ninety bags of rubbish were collected during the April 2009 beach clean-up despite the inclement weather on the day. The Rural Social Scheme workers have been carrying out further beach clean-ups since then.
Nine people completed Defibrillator Training provided by the Bantry Red Cross in Kilcrohane Hall in April 2009.
The road was widened at Dooneen Height. Sallies were trimmed at Foley’s Turn and at the Tin Pub in Ahakista. A guard rail was also put at Foley’s Turn. Slow signs were painted on the road entering Kilcrohane village.
Six editions of the Muintir Bháire Newsletter were produced during the year. An average of 250 copies of each edition has been circulated.
Muintir Bháire Community Council invited chairman of the Friends of Bantry Hospital to speak at a public information meeting on the proposed downgrading of the hospital. Council members and other members of the community sought signatures locally for a petition to oppose the downgrading of the hospital.
Muintir Bháire Community Council cooperated with Durrus Community Council to coordinate a parish-wide collection and function in appreciation of Fr. Crowley before he left to take up his new assignment.
A letter was sent to Eircom to object to the removal of the public phone box from Kilcrohane village. No response was received.
A request for a bottle and can recycling facility at Ahakista Church carpark was submitted to the Environmental Section of Cork County Council but no response was received. The litter warden indicated that funds were low and that the council deemed the area adequately served with a facility in Kilcrohane and in Durrus.
A special planning meeting was held in October 2009. The meeting was facilitated by Fergal Conlon from the West Cork Development Partnership. Each subcommittee now has a plan with clear goals outlined for them to work on over the course of the next year.
A number of meetings were held by the Alice West/Heritage subcommittee to look at how to move forward with the next phase of the development of the museum. A lot of thought and discussion went in to finalising the plans with Declan Daly, engineer. Meetings with LEADER representatives also took place. Five tenders were then sought for the job. They have been received and now the application for funding has been submitted.
The Community Council continued to coordinate the opening and upkeep of the public toilets at Tooreen.
A co-ordinator for the Social Activities Club, Julie O’Neill was appointed in April 2009. The Senior Citizen’s Social Club was launched in June with a party in Kilcrohane Hall. Each month the attendance has increased. The Community Council is supplementing the cost of the monthly meal by €2. A gentle exercise class has also begun in the hall for those interested.
A Christmas Tree-Lighting Ceremony was held in Kilcrohane Church and Grounds in December.
A Christmas Cookery/Flower Arranging/Storytelling night was held in Kilcrohane Hall to get everyone in the festive mood. .
A number of classes were held in Kilcrohane Hall which were extremely well supported. There were computer classes in Spring 2009 and in January 2010 Art, Irish Conversation and Aerobics classes were held.
To celebrate Heritage Week, eighteen people joined Eileen O’Mahony in mid-September to visit the Gloun Mass Rock, the Cillín in Gortnakilla situated on the farm of Thomas O’Donovan and the Galladoo Blessed Well.
A submission of ideas and suggestions for the Local Area Development Plan has been made on behalf of the Community Council to the Senior Planner in Cork County Council.
Know Your Rights
I have a huge electricity bill after the last cold snap. I’m worried about getting into arrears with my bills. What are my options?
If you don’t pay your gas or electricity bills your supply may be cut off. However, most utility companies will only cut off supply as a last resort when all other arrangements with you have failed.
You should contact your supplier as soon as possible. They can agree a plan for you to repay your bill that will take into account your income and personal or family situation. Your supplier’s contact number is printed on your bill.
Don’t make arrangements to repay amounts that you know you cannot afford. That may only make your situation more difficult.
Make sure that your bill is based on a current meter reading and not an estimated one.
All energy suppliers are required to have customer charters and codes of practice that protect customers. For example these codes of practice should outline how and when disconnection can take place. You can visit the website of the Commissioner for Energy Regulation ( to find out more. In addition ESB Customer Supply and Bord Gáis Energy have agreed a code of practice on fuel debts with the Department of Social and Family Affairs (DSFA). The code of practice outlines supports available to social welfare recipients who are having difficulty paying their bills.
If you cannot pay your bills because of exceptional circumstances you may be able to get an exceptional needs payment from the Health Service Executive (HSE). However arrears on a bill alone do not usually count as an exceptional need – your family’s situation will be taken into account. Contact your local Community Welfare Officer. If you are a vulnerable customer (for example an older person or someone with special needs) you should sign up to the special services register, which ensures that disconnection due to non-payment of arrears will not occur during the winter months. Older people and some social welfare recipients may also be eligible for the Household Benefits Scheme which includes free gas and electricity units.
You can also contact the Money Advice and Budgeting Service (MABS) helpline 1890 283 438 (9 am–8 pm Monday to Friday) for more advice and information. Further information is available from West Cork Citizens Information Service.
Know Your Rights has been compiled by West Cork Citizens Information Service which provides a free and confidential service to the public. Tel: 027 52100 Address: Wolfe Tone Square, Bantry.
Information is also available online at and from the Citizens Information Phone Service Lo-call 1890 777 121.
The Community Council wishes you all a Happy Easter!
Muintir Bhaire Newsletter
Produced by Muintir Bháire Community Council
Issue 17 April / May 2010
(Ceol On The Coast)
Easter Weekend 3rd- 4th -5th April 2010
Kilcrohane Village - Sheep’s Head Way
Bantry Co. Cork
Muintir Bhaire Community Council Newsletter
Issue 16 February / March 2010
Social Centre Update
The Community Council is pleased to report that the Social Centre for Older People, which it set up in 2009, continues to develop and expand. In December there was a Christmas party in Kilcrohane Hall and the National School children came and performed their Christmas play, which was enjoyed by all. In addition, there was carol singing and live entertainment with James Kelleher.
Monthly Lunch:
The first monthly lunch of 2010 was held in Bridge View Restaurant on 27th January and there were 26 people in attendance. The dates for the next two lunches are as follows: 24th February 2010 and 31st March 2010
All older people in the area are welcome to join in the monthly lunch and we look forward to seeing new faces each month.
Gentle Exercise:
It is hoped to get a weekly gentle exercise group up and running. Margaret McCarthy, who is a trained PALS leader, is happy to share her experience with us. Anybody interested in taking part should come to Kilcrohane Hall on Tuesday next, 9th February 2010 at 10.30am. There will be tea/coffee and a brief chat followed by gentle exercise. Men and women are welcome.
Day Trip to Mizen:
Julie O’Neill, the Social Centre Coordinator is exploring the possibility of organizing a trip to meet up with members of the Mizen Social Centre.
If you have any ideas or suggestions for activities, please let us know. You may contact Julie on 086 159 1040 or Eileen at 027 67004.
A.G.M. of Muintir Bháire Community Council
Our A.G.M. will be held on Thursday night, March 11th at 8:30 p.m. in Kilcrohane Hall. On this night, we will provide an update of our activities during the past year as well as plans for the coming year which is the last of this Community Council’s tenure.
Light refreshments will be served afterwards. All are welcome and encouraged to attend.
Carers’ Cookery Demonstration
West Cork Carers Support Group have organised a cookery demonstration and talk for Family Carers in The Good Things Café, Durrus on Monday, 8th March from 10.30am to 12.30pm. If you are a family carer and you would be interested in attending, you should contact West Cork Carers Support Group at 027 53848 to book a place. The cost of the demonstration is €10 including refreshments.
Historical Talk
On Friday, March 26th, Muintir Bháire Community Council has invited Hazel Vickery to give a talk in Kilcrohane Hall on ‘The Whytes of Bantry’. The talk will commence at 8 p.m. and light refreshments will be served afterwards. The entry fee for the talk will be €5. All are welcome to come to what promises to be a very interesting and informative night.
Evening Classes
We are delighted to report that there has been great support for the evening classes organized by Muintir Bháire Community Council. There are 15 people taking part in the Art Classes, which run on Tuesday nights from 7pm-9pm.
On Monday nights, 15 people are taking part in Conversational Irish from 8pm-9pm, while on Thursday nights from 8pm-9pm there are 15 participants in the Aerobics Classes.
If there are any classes that you would be interested in participating in and would like to see taking place locally, please contact us and we would be happy to see if it is possible to run them.
Kilcrohane Carol Singers
The Kilcrohane Carol Singers donated €200 of the money they collected to flood relief in Ballinasloe, Co. Galway where Fr. Dan O’Donovan is curate. They gave €300 to the Comforts Fund in St. Joseph’s Unit in Bantry Hospital. The remainder will be used to purchase two candlesticks for the altar in Kilcrohane Church and sent to victims of the earthquake in Haiti. Many thanks to all those who generously supported the Carol Singers.
Dispose of Unused Medicines Properly (DUMP)
A free service to dispose of unused or out of date medicines will be available to the general public in Cork and Kerry from Monday, 1 February 2010. The new service is known as Dispose of Unused Medicines Properly (DUMP).
The DUMP campaign, which has been organised by the HSE with the community pharmacists in Cork and Kerry, will run in participating pharmacies until Friday, 12 March 2010. Pharmacies in Bantry are participating in the scheme.
G.A.A. Fundraising Dance
A fundraising dance in aid of the Muintir Bháire G.A.A. will be held in the Westlodge Hotel on Saturday, February 20th at 9:30 p.m. Music will be by Patrick O’Sullivan and Jimmy Buckley. Tickets are €20 and are available on the door. The rural transport bus will run for free on the night.
Please contact us if you have any items for inclusion in future newsletters.
We would be grateful if you would let us know if you have any up-coming events. We would hope this would ensure that local community events do not clash. You may text or telephone one of the following:
Annette Nicholas 086 3206046
Anne O’Donovan 086 6017648
Mary O’Mahony 027 67060
Deirdre Towns 087 7940860
Rowing Club News
Ahakista Rowing Club members are starting off the year as they mean to carry on – with energy and enthusiasm. Training currently takes place three times weekly both indoors and on the water.
The club competed in the ‘Killorglin Head of the River’ on Saturday, January 23rd which involved rowing over 2km. The Ahakista squad included Lauren Arundel, Carmel Nash, Darragh Nitsch, Brendan O’ Donovan, Niall O’Donovan, Jon Pooley, John O’Mahony, Morgan Finch, Brian Cronin, Colin O’Donovan and Gibbs Ross.
The club are planning to take part in a 10km row each month in Skibbereen for training purposes. Over the next seven months the club will also run an indoor rowing competition, again for training purposes.
Meanwhile, the club members hope to take part in the 10 mile ‘Valley Run’ to be held in the Mealagh Valley on Valentine’s Weekend.
Ahakista Community Association
The A.G.M. of the Ahakista Community Association was held on November 15th last. The following is a list of elected officers:
Chairperson – Michelle O’Brien
Vice-Chair – Kieran Connolly
Secretary – Deirdre O’Brien
Treasurer – Martin O’Brien
P.R.O. – Sheila Ellis
Cancellation of Bus Éireann Service
Unfortunately, Bus Éireann will be withdrawing their Saturday service for the peninsula as of the end of February as there has been little uptake for it.
Traditional Churns Wanted
The Community Council is hoping to renovate the creamery stand Foilkilla and is looking to purchase creamery churns for this project. If you have some available, please contact Charlie McCarthy on 027-61226
Alarms for Older People
A grant of up to €300 is available for the installation of a socially monitored alarm. These alarms can be worn as pendants and enable older people in an emergency situation to alert a central answering service by pressing a button. A person will answer their call for help, assess the situation and alert family/neighbours who can help from a list of contacts available to them at their centre. If you know of anyone who could benefit from this, please contact Community Alert representatives Margaret McCarthy 027-67103 or Michael Murphy 027-67048 to get an application form for funding.
The A.G.M. of the Community Alert Groups for both the Kilcrohane and Durrus areas will be held in Durrus Garda Station on Thursday, February 11th at 8 o’clock. Anyone is welcome to attend.
Home Adaptations for Older Person or Person with a Disability
Adapting your home to suit the needs of a disabled or older person is a potentially costly business, particularly if structural changes are necessary. There are a number of grants available for this purpose:
If you have a medical card or a long term illness card, you may be entitled to get essential items of equipment free of charge. First, you must be assessed by a relevant professional, such as an occupational therapist or a physiotherapist.
If changes need to be made to your home to make it suitable for someone with a physical, sensory or intellectual disability or a mental health difficulty, you may be eligible for a Housing Adaptation Grant for People with a Disability. You must apply to Cork County Council for this grant
Local authority home improvement loans are available to owner-occupiers who want to carry out necessary work to improve, repair or extend their homes.
The Mobility Aids Grant Scheme provides grants for equipment designed to address mobility problems in the home, for example, grab-rails, a level access shower or chair-lift. It is designed to fast-track essential items that are required to allow you to remain in your own home. The amount paid under this scheme is less than under the Housing Adaptation Grant for People with a Disability and the cut-off point for household income is lower. However, you may get essential mobility aids quicker under this scheme and up to 100% of the cost is covered up to a maximum amount. If the work you need done costs over €6,000 you should apply for the Housing Adaptation Grant for People with a Disability. The Housing Aid for Older People Scheme is used to improve houses which are unfit for habitation. The type of work which is grant aided includes structural repairs, replacement of windows and doors, cleaning and heating.
For more information on any of the above, you should contact Cork County Council, Kent Street, Clonakilty, Tel: 023 88 33328 or drop in to Bantry Citizens Information Centre, Wolfe Tone Square, Bantry: Tel; 027 52100
Useful Contact Numbers
Bantry General Hospital 027 50133
Bantry Library 027 50460
Bantry Garda Station 027 20860
Durrus Garda Station 027 61002
Fr. Galvin 027-61013
Citizens Information Service 027 52100
Community Welfare Officer 027 50538
MABS Money Advice & Budgeting 023 8855155
Southdoc 1850 335 999
West Cork Women Against Violence Project 1800 203 136
West Cork Development Partnership:
Bantry Office 027 52266
Clonakilty Office 023 8834035
West Cork Carers Support Group 027 53848
West Cork Rural Transport 027 52727
Muintir Bhaire Community Council Newsletter
Issue 16 February / March 2010