Muintir Bhaire Community Council
Archives 2015

Muintir Bháire Community Council Newsletter

Issue 44 - www. - Oct 2015


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Spooktacular Halloween Fun


MUINTIR Bháire Foróige Club, with Muintir Bháire Community Council, will host a Trick-or-Treat Halloween Fancy Dress Party for Temple Street Children's Hospital on Sat, 31 Oct, in Kilcrohane Hall at 6:30pm.

A donation box will be in the hall on the night, all donations go straight to the hospital.

Open to kids up to 12 years of age and all children must be accompanied by an adult

Come join in the fun and games. Bring a torch for trick-or-treating.





Fancy Dress Party


Head to Arundel’s by the Pier on Halloween night, if you dare, for a fancy dress party in aid of the Muintir Bháire Foróige Club.

It’s all kicking off at 9.30pm.





Table Quix


Table Quiz in aid of the Mercy Hospital, Cancer Research Unit, Sat 24th Oct at 9.30pm, in Fitzpatrick's Bar, Kilcrohane





Muintir Bháire Social Activities Group


MUINTIR Bháire Social Activities Group has resumed after a short summer break. The group enjoyed their Sept lunch in the Creamery Restaurant in Kilcrohane with a great turn-out from the Muintir Bháire area.

The next monthly lunch is on Wed, 28th Oct in Kilcrohane Hall. The cost of the lunch has been increased by €2 and is still very good value at €12. Plans are to hold the Nov lunch in Durrus, more details nearer the time. For any enquiries, call Julie (086) 172 1279.




Muintir Bháire Women's Group


MUINTIR Bháire Women's Group meet every Tues morning at Alice West @ The Black Gate and are at the moment busy making crafts and knitting caps and headbands to put in the Shoe Box Appeal for Christmas.

The ladies will be making their homemade mincemeat shortly and are planning a Christmas craft workshop in early Dec. The group aims to do yoga classes after Christmas.

The Women’s Group is always open to new faces, just call in on Tues. For any enquiries, call Julie (086) 172 1279.





Muintir Bháire Men’s Group


ONLY one year in existence, the Men’s Group has already gone on some trips and carried out several community projects. We have a number of ideas which we hope to bring to fruition in the near future.

We are roughly 20 strong and are always looking for new men to join. It would be great to see members from Ahakista, Kilcrohane and the North Side/Goat’s Path areas especially. Anyone who is over 18 years of age is very welcome.

Just call in to us; we meet in Philips’ Green in Durrus every Thurs at 8pm. For more information, call Brendan (087) 935 7151 or email





Newsflash! Santa is Coming!


THE Big Man in Red in on his way back to The Black Gate again. This year, himself and Mrs. Claus will visit on Sat & Sun12th & 13th Dec. They are really looking forward to meeting all the boys and girls.

So as not to be disappointed, be sure to book your place for this magical family event with Annette (083) 111 0983 or e-mail

The price is still €15 per child and adults are free.





West Cork Development Partnership

Warmer Homes Scheme

WCDP DELIVERS the Better Energy Warmer Homes Scheme that provides attic and cavity wall insulation to eligible applicants FREE OF CHARGE. The Warmer Homes Scheme works out of our Bantry ofice. We seek people who might qualify to have their homes insulated and we would be delighted to take calls from anyone interested to learn more.

To be eligible for free insulation you must : 

Own your own home

It must be built before 2006,

and you must be in receipt of one of the following: 

the Winter fuel allowance, or Job seekers Allowance for over 6 months with a child under 7, or Family Income Supplement.

To learn more about the scheme and how to apply, please contact our Bantry office on (027) 52266 and speak to a member of the Warmer Homes Scheme team email or visit


Assisted / Self–Referral now an Option for Tús

WHILE most people referred for Tús are selected randomly by the Department of Social Protection (DSP), 20% of available places can now be filled by assisted/self-referral.

Assisted/self-referral gives DSP customers who fulfil the qualifying criteria the opportunity to avail of this short-term quality work placement and break the cycle of unemployment.

Self- referral also includes former One-Parent Family payment (OFP) customers whose youngest child is 14 years of age or over who transfer to Jobseeker’s Allowance and those on Jobseekers Transition payment (JST).

All customers who self-refer must complete an application form (available from their local DSP Case Officer or upon request from WCDP).

Please note that in all cases, the application forms for self-referral must be mediated through the DSP Case Officer.

For any further information on the Tús prgrammes, visit or contact Ms. Arran O’Driscoll (023) 883 4035 or



WCDP RUNS the following initiatives as part of the new Social Inclusion Community Activation Programme (SICAP). More info on venues, dates and other programmes can be found on  All initiatives delivered under SICAP are free of charge to participants.

Intensive one-to-one support for unemployed job-seekers. CV preparation, interview practice, letters of application, career progression routes, exploring the real benefits of working.

Contact: Joe Cronin (086) 171 7592 or 


6-week course for community leaders and group members. Topics include:  officers roles, effective meetings, fundraising, governance, project planning, organisation development.

Contact: Fergal (086) 856 6364 or; Anna (087) 989 2150 or

4-week course of self-discovery in a supportive, friendly and fun environment covering: 
assertiveness, confidence, identifying your skills, strengths and values, personal well-being. 
For further info and start date for next course, contact: Jimeve (086) 735 6340 or

Intensive support to assist unemployed individuals to establish new business enterprises, including business planning, cash flow and navigating the process.

By appointment, contact: Kathryn (087) 987 6390 or

A fun new introductory training programme for individuals at a crossroads in life or career. During the course, participants will take stock (with an emphasis on positive details), reflect on options (thinking outside the box), try out something new (and fun), plot a path (or identify a next step). 
Contact: Fergal (086) 856 6364 or

A practical, evidence-based, 6-week parenting course to support parents to manage every day issues that arise in all families. Learn new skills in solving parenting problems in a positive way that helps to create satisfying and enjoyable family relationships and helps children and young people grow and reach their full potential. Contact: Anna (087) 989 2150 or

6-week course to address the challenges of parenting when separated. For parents who are preparing for, going through or have gone through a separation or divorce. Help solve co-parenting problems, cope with the emotional impact of separation, help your child cope with the impact of the separation and enhance communication with your children. Contact: Anna (087) 989 2150 or

For more info on the services provided by the WCDP through SICAP please visit




Muintir Bháire Foróige Club


MUINTIR Bháire Foróige Club celebrated their 4th birthday in Oct and we can’t believe how quickly the time has flown. We are back to weekly club nights which rotate between Kilcrohane, Ahakista and Durrus.

We currently have 26 members and we have placed a cap on membership at this level in light of our leader and venue resources. We are honoured that young people want to join our club and given its popularity again this year, we have had to create a waiting list for places. If any vacancies arise, we will contact those on the list.

What have we been up to since Sept? We had our club weekend away to Cappanalea Outdoor Education & Training Centre in Kerry.

We were invited to attend an info evening on the Just One Charity which was hosted by Durrus Charity Shop. Our members also made a small donation to the Just One Charity which promotes and facilitates educational opportunities for disadvantaged and marginalised children in Nepal by working at a grass-roots level with the children, their families and their communities to implement a range of carefully developed, culturally sensitive, sustainable initiatives.

Three of our Leaders completed a two-day First Aid course and we are busy planning a schedule of activities for the remainder of the year.

We welcome opportunities to work with other community groups in the area, and if any groups are interested in working with us, please call (085) 273 0731 or mbforó


Our 2015/16 members committee elections proved very popular this year and it was brilliant to see such a high level of interest in all of our committee positions.

Following an exciting election process, we’re delighted to announce the members of our committee for the coming year: Peter Hickey, Chair, Tara O’Donovan, Asst Chair, Saoirse Sammon, Secretary, Ryan Tobin, Asst Secretary, Brian Pyburn, Treasurer, Mark Collins, Asst Treasurer, Cian Pyburn, PRO, and Hayley Gore Grimes, Asst PRO.


Thorn (the artist from The White House a.k.a Corina) will be giving

Painting Lessons/Art Classes every Tues evening from 7pm to 8:30pm.
Cost €10 per session.


Thorn will help you discover your unique style of painting and develop your Art of Observation.
Through many years of teaching and with over a thousand students, Thorn's experience of developing a uniqueness within every person's innate ability to paint is extensive.

Proven to be a fun, sociable and awakening experience, Thorn's fast and easy techniques will have you confident in your abilities in little time.

Everyone is welcome, from beginners to Masterclasses each Tues, beginning 

16th Nov, 78:30pm, in the warm and cosy West Barn Venue at the White House Gallery, Kilcrohane. Check out some of Thorn’s work:




Sheep's Head Yarns


JOIN the team from the Sheep's Head Yarns during the winter for one of the many fun tutorials planned on Sundays from 2-4pm at The Old Creamery Café in Kilcrohane.

We are also starting ‘beginners & beyond’ tutorials for Knitting & Crochet in the coming weeks.

All funds raised will go towards the next Sheep's Head Yarn Festival on Sat & Sun, 21st/22nd May, 2016 which is looking to be bigger and better than this year.

For more info, contact us at or call (087) 344 8089.






Muintir Bháire Sea Scouts  


Sheep's Head Sea Scout Cubs recently enjoyed a round-trip bike ride from Ahakista to Durrus taking in the beautiful scenery on a glorious Oct afternoon.

The Beavers equally enjoyed a hike foraging for clues in the woods and a great time was had by all.

The next venture is a trip to the naval base in Cork during school term. The Beaver section is nearly full with just one place left suitable for 6-9 year olds. There are still a number of places left for the Cubs 9-11 years.

Please contact Annette (086) 191 0908 for further details.






Sheep’s Head Producer’s Market Shop


WE wish to extend an invitation to all of our community who live on or close to the Sheep’s Head to join with the many volunteers from our community who support the not-for-profit Sheep’s Head Market Shop.

Producers, artisan bakers, craftspeople and artists from all over the peninsula are working as a team along with people who are not producing anything for the Shop, but are giving their time or expertise in other areas of its day-to-day running.

The Market Shop has grown in many positive ways over the past 4 years with the number of active producers now 80+. The SHPM supports our local economy by offering a space to sell quality arts, crafts and produce grown and created by local people.

We are grateful for the many volunteers who are offering their skills, talents and knowledge for this venture; an opportunity which offers a wonderful way to meet new people and to be inspired to bring your own ideas to the floor, working for a greater, integrated and more supportive environment for all.

We hope very much that you are inspired to join our team of volunteers/producers to:-

* Share your current skills or to learn something new.

* Meet our wider community while offering a direct and positive effect throughout our community.

*Be inspired to become a producer yourself and explore your latent talents


We want YOU to join this team!

Areas include: shifts in the shop; use of computer spreadsheets; running external craft events; social media; advertising and promotion; general organisation; communications; development and more ...

Many heartfelt thanks to all who have helped to build and keep this ship sailing strong over the past 4 years!






Ahakista Rowing Club


THERE were big celebrations for Ahakista Rowing Club and club members recently as they marked their 10th Anniversary with a celebratory BBQ in Arundels by the Pier.

Over the past 10 years, club members have successfully taken part in many different rowing events in both the traditional style gig as well as the FISA world rowing coastal boats.

These events include gig regattas, Heads of the River events, the Ocean to City Race, the All-Ireland Coastal Rowing Championships, as well as other local rowing events. The Club is very grateful to everyone who has supported them down through the years.

Indoor training will resume shortly and the Club looks forward to the next 10 years! Meanwhile, the Rowing Club AGM will take place on Fri, 6th Nov in The Cabin, Ahakista, and all are welcome.





Sheep's Head & Bantry Tourism Co-operative


THE Sheep's Head & Bantry Tourism Co-operative is recruiting members again after a very successful year in which it won a slew of awards and a Sheep's Head longlisting for World Responsible Tourism Destination of the Year. 

The awards are helping to develop substantial interest in the area, and the Living the Sheep's Head Way website doubled its traffic this year.

The co-op won press visits from Sweden and Germany as well as coverage in The Irish Examiner, and 4 slots in the Sunday Times "50 Things to Do on the Wild Altantic Way" supplement, in addition to to TV coverage on TV3 Holiday Show as well as other press coverage. 

Among other accolades this year, National Geographic recently named the Sheep's Head as one of the hidden gems of the Wild Atlantic Way.

This kind of recognition is coming our way because of the increased visibility we've gained through our work with small businesses, our social media campaigns and leaflets, and our close work with Fáilte Ireland.

Our work is outward - dealing with visitors before they get to the area, and getting the word out to international markets and people in Ireland about what a great place we have here - but it really is pulling people inward and helping to extend the tourist season beyond the end of September.

We've just won a round of French trips for 2016, but the operation needs funds to keep going, and your support would be much appreciated.

We will be making a LEADER application for funds in January with the aim of gaining matched funding of 75%, so your subscription would be a real investment in promoting tourism along the Sheep's Head Way

As we make plans for that funding, we'll be holding meetings with local community groups, and we're collecting views from anyone who'd like to have their say about how tourism should be developed here.

To join the Sheep's Head & Bantry Tourism Co-operative for €100 subscription, call Siobhán (086) 303 0991, and visit to sign up and contribute your views.






Sheep’s Head Way


SOME 220 walkers took part in the annual Christian Aid Sheep’s Head Hike in Sept the largest attendance to date. So far, over €7,000 of the €8,000 target has been raised. Registration took place at Kilcrohane Hall and Gerard Burke, Chair of the Sheep’s Head Way, welcomed everybody and got things under way with Andrew Coleman of Christian Aid Ireland.

Both walks on the day started at Alice West @ The Black Gate. The first walk was a 12.4km section of the Poet’s Way Loop and the main Sheep’s Head Way. The second walk was the 6.5km Caher Loop which included the Trá Ruaim fishing spur. On return to Kilcrohane Hall, refreshments for the walkers were provided and generously donated and served by Ulla with the help of others. Andrew Coleman expressed his gratitude to all those who helped and supported the walk, especially the local guides.

We at the Sheep’s Head Way would like to thank the local guides who helped us on the day and were so kind to give up their time to help out for a good cause.


The Sheep’s Head Way Office has relocated from The Black Gate to Kilcrohane village taking up residence in the property known locally as Gallagher’s.

The Sheep’s Head Way has been involved with the Muintir Bháire Community Council and Cork County Council in two road widening projects at Dromnea and Letter East. The Sheep’s Head Way would like to thank sincerely Cork County Council, especially the local Council workers, Community Scheme workers, Jerry Daly (Eskraha), Muintir Bháire Community Council and a special thank you to Noel McCarthy (Kilcrohane) for his involvement also. To the landowners, Finny O’Mahony (Letter) and Paidie Daly (Dromnea) for their permission to allow the road to be widened on their lands.

On a final note, everyone at The Sheep’s Head Way would like to wish Joe Nash a happy retirement and thank him sincerely for his many years of service in the up-keep and maintenance of our walks.

Joe recently retired at the end of September and will be badly missed as he was very hard working and reliable. Thank you Joe and we wish you every happiness in your retirement.





Holy Souls Novena 2015


Vigil for the Faithful Departed

ON Sun, 1 Nov, at 7.30 pm, a Vigil for the Faithful Departed will be held in Rusnacahara Church. The church is illuminated with night lights donated by people in memory of their deceased loved ones. It is an opportunity for quiet remembrance, reflection and prayer for all our faithful departed.

Novena of Masses 

THE Novena of Masses begins on Mon, 2 Nov. All masses (the Vigil Mass & masses in Durrus and Kilcrohane) for Sun, 1st Nov, and Sun, 8th Nov, will be part of the Novena.

Weekday Novena mass times

Durrus  - 9am  

Kilcrohane  - 10am

Rusnacahara/Gortalassa - 7.30pm

The Novena Mass in Rusnacahara /Gortalassa will alternate between each venue beginning on Monday in Gortalassa, e.g. Mon/Wed/Fri in Gortalassa

Graveyard Prayers

Sun, 1 Nov, 3pm in Durrus

Sun, 8 Nov, 2pm in Moulivard Graveyard—prayers for all who are buried in the graveyard.

Sun, 8 Nov, 3pm in Kilcrohane






Rusnacahara NS, Ahakista


THE school held a Cheerios Breakfast in Oct raising €76.20 for Childline. The pupils dressed up for Halloween to raise funds for Temple St. Children’s Hospital and for Brú Columbanus, an independent charity that provides “home from home” accommodation for relatives of seriously ill patients in Cork Hospitals and Hospice.

Pupils thoroughly enjoyed their 6-week session of yoga and cycle training classes. Some of them recently cycled to Durrus village and back as part of an event organised by the leaders of the Sea Scouts.

Pupils and staff are benefitting from a lovely new resource room and disabled toilet/WC, a project completed to a high standard by Chom Construction Ltd.






Kilcrohane NS


STAFF in Kilcrohane NS welcomed 8 new entrants to the junior room in Sept— Grace, Mary, Tom, Cian, Kieran, Cara, Rachel and Chloe.

They have had a busy couple of weeks already with a music recital, football and games training, Irish dancing and lots of other fun.

The senior room welcomed Sinead to 5th class.

The children were delighted to harvest the last of the crops from the school garden and we made a huge pot of veggie soup for lunch at school. Schoolbags were bursting with fresh vegetables to take home too!

We're looking forward to our pumpkins growing big and juicy for Halloween.

A hearty breakfast was prepared at school during Cheerios Childline Breakfast Week. Monies collected were sent off to help children in need.

Congratulations to Seán McCarthy who won a beautiful book in the Sherkin Island Art Competition. Teachers are getting worried now as the kids are planning seriously spooky events for the school Halloween dress-up day before mid-term break!





St. James NS


ST. James’ welcomed new pupils Delilah, Jemima and Sam to the school and everyone soon settled into our busy learning routine, getting stuck into all sorts of exciting projects.

We started a 5-week golf programme with LD Golf. We’ve harvested our fruit and vegetables from the school garden and made blackberry and apple jam.

5th and 6th classes took part in a fun tag rugby blitz with local schools and enjoyed orienteering, completing a tough course around Schull. Pupils learned about map reading, using a dibber and how to work as part of a team.

Hard work and creativity was rewarded recently when pupils won prizes in the Sherkin Island Environmental Competition.

To celebrate Maths Week, pupils calculated and problem solved and tackled everything mathematical.... even a Maths Trail around the school and grounds.

We have a coffee morning organised for parents to see the pupils dressed in Halloween costumes and to view their school work on display on Fri, 23rd Oct. After all that, everyone is looking forward to the mid-term break.






Carrigboy NS


WELL done to everyone who took part in our Maths Week.

Congrats especially to our 5th and 6th classes who came 1st place in Ireland in the Nationwide Target Board Challenge – an amazing achievement for a small school.

3rd class took part in a football blitz in Skibbereen in Oct and did themselves proud in their first time playing for the school, exhibiting great skill and teamwork. The players were Tempy Stock, Meadhbh Sammon, Niamh Wiseman, Ciara O’Connor, James Mc Dill, Adam Hourihane, Diarmuid O’Shea, Conor Bignell, Calvin Cronin and Stephen Hourihane.

On Thurs, 22nd Oct, M. Lane, Lieutenant Commander NS, will visit at 11.30 to present Carrigboy NS with an Irish Flag and a copy of the Proclamation of Independence. Proceedings will take place in the Hall and all are welcome to attend.

The final 2015 walking bus takes place this week and recommences in Spring 2016. Thank you to everyone for their support with it.

Carrigboy NS Annual Craft Fair will take place on Mon, 7th Dec at 7pm. The school concert will be held on Fri 18th Dec.



Muintir Bháire Community Council Newsletter

Issue 44 - www. - Oct 2015








Muintir Bháire Community Council Newsletter

Issue 43 - www. - June 2015



Get your Muintir Bháire Community Council newsletter sent straight to you.

Just email today to join our subscription list.




Getting Ready for Eircode

EIRCODE is the new postcode system for Ireland. This July, a letter will be sent to all addresses in West Cork notifying them of the Eircode for that address. Your address does not change, you simply include the Eircode at the bottom of your address.

There are many benefits to using Eircode, including making it quicker and easier for medical emergency services and others to locate addresses. It is safe to give an Eircode to anyone you would normally give your address to. More information is available on




Thank you!

THE annual Muintir Bháire Community Council church gate collection raised €485.  Thank you for all your support.




Annual Beach Clean-Up

Thank you to all the volunteers from across the community who came out to help with our annual beach clean-up and gathered many bags of rubbish. A big thank you to Cork County Council for removing the waste. Every year we are disheartened with the volume of household rubbish collected from our beaches and we urge people to dispose of waste responsibly. We would love to see more people support this work and we ask everyone who cares about the Sheep’s Head peninsula to help keep our beautiful area clean.




Muintir Bháire Social Club for Older People

MUINTIR Bháire Social Club for Older People has its next monthly lunch on Weds, 29 July at the Bay View Restaurant, Kilcrohane, and everyone is welcome. There will be no monthly lunch in August. For more info, contact Julie (086) 172 1279

Muintir Bháire Men’s Group meets at Phillip’s Green in Durrus every Thurs @ 20:00 where you’re assured of a warm welcome. For info on the Men’s Group, contact Brendan (087) 935 7151.

Muintir Bháire Ladies Group meets every Tues @ 10:30 at Alice West’s @ The Black Gate. Always happy to see new ladies.

Fun Factor’ Summer Club

Bridge View House B&B

Starting July 6th – 16th August 2015 from 12 noon-3pm.

Lots of fun-filled activities to include arts & crafts, sports activities, baking, stories, song-singing, drama, games activities and much, much more!

We are offering a ‘drop in’ day camp or alternatively weekly camps for children.

All for only €15 per day.

Weekly rates also available upon request and discounts available for families.

For more details, please call Noreen on 086-790-2456 or Email

Check us out on @ Bridge View House B&B

Look forward to meeting you to have lots of fun!




The Sheep’s Head Way

The mid-year Walks Scheme payment has been paid out to landowners who are participants on the Scheme. We remind landowners to maintain their stretch of trail to the highest possible standard as failure to do so may result in loss of future payment. Thank you for your co-operation.

The Bantry Walking Festival took place on the June Bank Holiday weekend with guided walks on The Sheep’s Head Way, Beara Way and on Whiddy Island. On the Saturday, there was a walk from Cahergal to the Lighthouse and back to the Café in Tooreen.

Thirty-four walkers participated and two mini buses transported the people to and from the starting and finishing points of the walk. A good day was had by all despite a little rain.

The repair and up-grade of an existing section of the Lighthouse Loop path out in Tooreen is well underway now. Works commenced in May and progress has been good to date. The section of trail affected is a 1.7km stretch from the café to the Irish Lights’ helicopter pad.

We would like to thank walkers for their co-operation and patience while these vital conservation works are being carried out.




Durrus & District Community Council

 €1000 Summer Bingo on Fri, 10 July, @ 8.30 p.m. at Durrus Community Hall. Free bus from Bantry leaving at 8p.m from Bantry Bay. 

Quiz Night on Sat, 11 July, in O'Sullivan's Bar, Durrus, Table of 4 for €20. Canon Paul Willoughby Quiz Master, great night guaranteed.

Family Fun Day on Sun, 12 July, starting with Fancy dress at 1.30pm. Meeting at Wiseman's, open to all, young and young at heart, followed by bouncy castle, BBQ, fun and games in Philips' Green from 2-5pm.




Muintir Bháire Foróige Club

 MUINTIR Bháire Foróige Club has come to the end of another successful year and we are delighted that the club is going from strength to strength. We've been busy and it has been lots of fun. So, what have we been up to?

We continue to keep up our volunteering work in the community by getting involved in the Trick or Treat for Temple Street Children's Hospital,

volunteering in Durrus Charity Shop, help Santa with the Elf School plus hosting the Muintir Bháire's Got Talent Show

We had a scary night at the Nightmare Realm, a fun day out on Whiddy Island, an evening at the cinema and danced the night away at Foróige cLub discos. And there's more! We had a great day out orienteering at Lough Hyne. 

Four of our members’ committee represented our club at the Regional Foróige Conference in Cork.  We filled our weekly club nights with activities such as movie nights, games nights, team building challenges and lots more. 

The club leaders voted on two awards for our members who contributed to the overall success of the club.  The Outstanding Leadership Award went to Peter Hickey for demonstrating excellent leadership skills and for being a positive role model in the club. The ‘One to Watch’ Recognition Award went to Tara O'Donovan for demonstrating excellent team-working skills and for promoting a positive team spirit in our club.

Finally, we would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who has supported our club throughout the year and especially our members who attend each week and the Leaders for giving their time and commitment to the club.  Our weekly club nights will recommence in September 2015 so keep a look out for our Registration Night Posters!




Sheep's Head Yarns

AFTER the great success of the first Sheep's Head Yarn Festival, Sheep's Head Yarns will now be in residence in Alice West’s @ The Black Gate offering more wonderful workshops. There will also be hand-made gift items and supplies in their shop 'Yarns Cool' and light refreshments will be available. 

Come to our 'Picknit' Launch on Weds, 1 July, bringing your latest craft project and your sarnies!

Opening times are Tues, 10 a.m.–2 p.m., with a weekly ‘Knit & Natter’, and Weds to Sun, 12 noon–4 p.m. Workshops will be running on certain days during the week as well as on weekends. Our July programme is now available.
Sheep's Head Yarns would also like to take the opportunity to thank everyone on the Sheep's Head peninsula who supported them during the festival and made it such a great weekend.

For more information, visit the web, call (087) 344 8089 or email




Rusnacahara NS

ON this the thirtieth anniversary “Kanishka Air Disaster”, families of the victims presented the school with a keyboard and conga drum to show their deep appreciation to the present pupils and the pupils of the school in the past for their musical performances at the Air India Memorial.

The annual end-of-year BBQ was held in June in glorious sunshine. The occasion was marked by the raising of the school’s 2nd Green Flag for Energy Awareness. Pupils enjoyed a great day out on their school tour to the Mardyke Arena in Cork.

Work is nearing completion on the new resource room which will be of great benefit to the whole school.

Three pupils of the school won prizes in the recent Community Alert Art Competition, Ellie O’ Sullivan 1st, Alex Young 2nd and Mary Egerton 3rd. In the Bantry Port Authority Art Competition, Orla Tobin came 2nd and four pupils received high commendations for their art work. They were Holly and Aoibhínn Arundel, Shane Connolly and Mary Egerton. In the recent Bantry Sports Day, Alex Young came 3rd in the sprint event.

Cycling lessons and yoga classes will commence in the school in September.



Kilcrohane NS

ALONG with the other schools on the peninsula, the senior pupils participated in a football blitz at Durrus GAA pitch.

In June, the school’s 5th Green Flag for Biodiversity was raised at a school Green Party to great celebrations, and a Midsummer’s Day Hike was organised.

After registering at the school, walkers trekked the Farranamanagh Loop and returned to the village for face-painting, balloons and refreshments to the peaceful tunes of Nino on guitar. All monies raised went to Kilcrohane NS funds.

We achieved the Primary Aquatic Water Safety Flag and marked this occasion with a fun Pool Party at the Westlodge Leisure Centre. The Active School Flag was awarded for all our activities this year – SOW, WOW and Sports Day all included. Keeping it local, the school tour visited Whiddy Island where the pupils explored the island and learnt about its history.





St. James’ NS

IT’S been an incredibly busy term for pupils and staff at St. James’. They have been actively working to gain their Active School flag and their efforts were rewarded when Frances Harrington visited the school to present the committee with the flag. 

Both classrooms went on  fun-filled tours which  were great successes. The Junior room went to the Treehouse in Skibbereen and the Senior room participated in the activities in Kilbrittain with waterslides, orienteering , mud-baths and much more!

We had a glorious fun Sports Day with four teams competing in lots of races. After all the activity we celebrated with a BBQ with family and friends. Dr. Jason of the West Cork Rapid Response Unit visited the school to show the pupils how the money they helped raise was spent on purchasing the state-of-the-art vehicle for his use providing an essential local service. All schools on the peninsula played in a football blitz on the GAA pitch in Durrus.

We supported Downs Syndrome Ice-cream Day at Carrigboy NS and, after the brisk walk there, enjoyed the cold ice cream.





Carrigboy NS

CARRIGBOY Infant Club has started and is a big hit with the infant classes. The club provides supervised activities between 2:10pm and 3:10pm for these classes, thereby saving parents an extra journey if they have children in the other classes in the school.

Carrigboy athletes had a great day at Cork City Sports held in CIT in June, once everyone got through the traffic. Oisín Daly, Eoin Stock, Evan Hourihane, James Mallon and Peter Crowley brought home silverware and the Senior Boys’ Relay team came home in second place. All the competitors gave a great account of themselves and special mention goes to our youngest competitor Anna McAuliffe who ran a great race to finish fourth.

The school sports day took place in June and the school raised its 4th Green Flag on the same day. School finished on 26 June with the presentation of attendance medals, certs, awards and the graduation of sixth class.




Muintir Bháire Community Council Newsletter

Issue 43 - www. - June 2015










Muintir Bháire Community Council Newsletter

Issue 42 - www. - Easter 2015

Email to get your newsletter sent straight to you!



Easter on the Sheep’s Head peninsula

  EASTER Sunday marks our annual Easter egg hunt, to be held in Kilcrohane Community Field after 11.30 mass.  For kids up to 12 years of age.  Children must be accompanied by an adult.

Annual Beach Clean-Up

THE annual beach clean-up will be held, weather permitting, on Sat, 11 Apr. Meet at The Cabin, Ahakista, and the Community Hall, Kilcrohane

Bring gloves, bags will be provided.  Children must be accompanied by an adult.  Please come out and help keep our beautiful peninsula rubbish free.




Local Business Opportunity

ANYONE looking for a venue to rent to set up a cottage business?  The Muintir Bháire Community Council are renting the ground floor of Alice West's @ The Black Gate. 

If interested, please call Annette at (083) 111 0983.



Muintir Bháire Social Club for Older People

 Muintir Bháire Social Club for Older People is going from strength to strength. The group recently had a lovely evening at the Rossmore Theatre and plan to do it again soon.

We now have a Muintir Bháire Men’s Group which is based at Phillip’s Green in Durrus and meets every Thurs @ 20:00. For info on the Men’s Group, contact Brendan (087) 935 7151.

Muintir Bháire Ladies Group is ongoing and meets every Tues @ 10:30 at Alice West’s. It is planning to start yoga classes after Easter and will start the walking group early in May. New ladies are always welcome.

The monthly lunch continues, always on the last Weds, and everyone is welcome. For more info, contact Julie (086) 172 1279.


Sheeps Head Easter Run – Get the Buzz!

 CALLING everyone to join in the fun in Ahakista this Easter Saturday, 4 Apr! Runners, walkers, families, all are welcome. This year, we have a choice of two distances—10k and 5k—to cater for all.

Our 10k run, now in its fourth year, has proven itself on the running calendar to be a favourite amongst top athletes. The race has an approved AAI permit and takes place on our accurately measured 10k course. Chip timing will be used to ensure athletes are given an accurate and fair result. The current record holders are Alex O’Shea of St. Finbarr’s AC who completed the 10k distance in a time of 33m 36s last year while Orla Hayes, Skibbereen holds the fastest female record when she raced in 2013 in a time of 40m 23s.

The race starts at 12:00 outside 'Arundels by the Pier', Ahakista, and welcomes both walkers and runners (walkers start at 11.30). Athletes can experience the breathtaking views over Dunmanus Bay and the Sheep’s Head countryside as the route takes them past Rusnacahara Church, on through the townlands of Kealties and Brahalish, back onto the main road and finishing at 'Arundels by the Pier'.

The event is being organised by Ahakista Rowing Club and any funds raised will go towards the everyday running costs of the club, along with a donation to the Sheep’s Head Sea Scouts. Also joining us on the day will be the ‘Red Bull Mini’ and their team who will have some sample products on offer. After the race, athletes can enjoy the delicious spread of home baking in the marquee as they relax and soak up the race atmosphere and stunning views of Dunmanus Bay. Prizes will be awarded for the top finishers as well as various age categories.

Entries can be made online through or last minute entries can be made at the Cabin, Ahakista (beside Arundels by the Pier) on Easter Saturday morning.

This year, there is also a 5k (not timed) choice for families and those who prefer to run/walk the shorter distance. The entry fee is €8 per adult and all children under 12 are free. Easter eggs will be presented to the first 30 children (under 12 years) who finish. The 5k will start at 12.15. Any queries, contact Carmel on (086) 832 5310.

So come on everyone, get out there, Get Active!





Muintir Bháire Parish Easter 2015

Easter Vigil

Gortalassa @ 8pm

Easter Sunday

Durrus @ 10am

Kilcrohane @ 11:30am


If you are attending any of the Easter masses, please bring along a candle for the renewal of Baptismal Promises

Your understanding and support is very much appreciated.

Fr. Ger



The Sheep’s Head Way

THE Sheep’s Head Way has received the 2014 Registration Inspection Report issued by The National Trails Office. This report is a result of last October’s trail inspection by Darragh O’Sullivan on behalf of The National Trails Office. The inspection was detailed.

The main issues this time are: electric fences blocking the trail; wet/boggy/undrained stretches of trail and a lack of strimming plus overgrown stretches of trail. We achieved a high standard and a rating averaging between 80-100%.

Well done to all the landowners concerned on the Walks Scheme.

The Sheep’s Head Way has won a silver medal in the 2015 Irish Responsible Tourism Awards announced on 11 Mar at an award ceremony in Dublin attended by Dr. Siobhan Burke (of Living the Sheep’s Head Way).

Planning for this year’s Christian Aid Walk has already begun with Andrew Coleman and his team of organisers. The routes they have chosen for the Sept 2015 walks are as follows. Starting at the Black Gate and walking the Poet’s Way Loop in reverse and finishing at Fail Bheag. You will be picked up here and taken back to Kilcrohane.

The Caher Loop is chosen for the shorter walk. Kilcrohane Hall will again be used for registration and refreshment purposes, buses will be provided on the day to transport people to and from Kilcrohane to The Black Gate for the starting points of both walks.

Work is well under way now at the new Sheep’s Head Way premises in Kilcrohane village. The property is known locally as Gallagher’s and the old R.I.C. Barracks site. It is proposed that the corner house will be let out for either short– or long-term letting.

The property adjacent to the west of the corner house will be the new office for the Sheep’s Head Way on the first floor. The ground floor will consist of a canteen, kitchen, bathroom and a shed for storage at the rear accessed through the canteen of the Sheep’s Head Way building. There is also access to the shed from a gate on the main road.

The development of the old R.I.C. Barrack site will commence when plans for same have been decided and when funding becomes available.




Sheep's Head Producer's Market Shop Re-Launch

 AS you may have seen, the Sheep’s Head Producers’ Market was lucky enough to get some much-needed funding from The Ireland Fund and Bantry Credit Union, who will be cutting the ribbon at our relaunch. This money has been spent to maximise your shopping experience and we would like to invite you all to see just where that money went.

So, please join us to celebrate at the SHPM shop in Kilcrohane on Easter Monday, 6 Apr @ 11:00 and even meet some of the producers.




Sheep's Head Yarn Festival

WE are delighted to announce that the Sheep’s Head Yarn Festival is gathering a lot of attention not only in West cork but as far away as Canada. The 20 workshops are filling faster than expected so you really do need to get booking those places.

There are a few surprises along the way but you’ll find out more about them at the Festival Opening which will be held at The Old Creamery Café beside the Sheep’s Head Producers’ Market Shop on Sat, 16 May from 9:00.

For more information on workshops,

please visit

or email



Sheep's Head & Bantry Tourism Co-operative

THE Sheep's Head & Bantry Tourism Co-op has been shortlisted as ‘Best Leisure Tourism Innovation’ in Fáilte Ireland’s new Irish Tourism Industry Awards.

Judged by top travel journalists as well as staff from Google, Primark and Unipharm, the co-op sits on the shortlist alongside Guinnness Storehouse and Glasnevin Cemetery Museum, and the co-op is being recognised for its work in developing a strong destination brand and impressive collaborative projects: 

The [co-op has] successfully persuaded local businesses to promote the area as a whole, rather than just their own product, in order to extend length of stay and to increase yield for the area. (Judges’ Report - Irish Responsible Tourism Awards)

The Sheep's Head was chosen as Destination of the Year by the John and Sally McKenna Guides, and won Silver in the ‘Best Responsible Tourism Destination’ category at the recent Irish Responsible Tourism Awards. The reputation we’re building is the basis for increased media coverage, and improved visitor numbers, but  while much has been achieved, there's a lot still to do.

Thanks to everyone who has shown ongoing support  for the co-op as it works to develop responsible and profitable tourism in our area. 

If you're interested in joining the co-op for a €100 membership fee, please contact Siobhán Burke (086) 303 0991


Muintir Bháire Community Pre-School

MUINTIR Bháire Community Pre-School will hold their enrolment day on Thurs, 23 April from 13:00-14:00.

All students and parents interested in enrolling are very welcome to come along for a tour of the pre-school and lovely garden. ECCS and CCS places still available (limited places). Please ring (027) 61990 with any queries.




Carrigboy NS

THANKS to everyone who contributed to the wonderful success of our centenary celebrations on Sat, 21 Mar. It was wonderful to see the class reunions and families meeting up after so many years.

Carrigboy Open Day for new pupils is on Weds, 22 Apr @ 14:10. The school will also host its annual science fair on that day. The third term promises to be busy with swimming and Sciath na Scol matches starting and the visit of the West Midlands Theatre group. Plus, Bantry Sports, Cork City Sports and school tours, so there will be little time to rest.




Rusnacahara NS

THE school recently had a fundraising Tea Party at Arundel’s by the Pier. It was a very enjoyable day; many thanks to all at Arundel’s, sponsors and all who supported the event. Annette Nicholas won the prize for ‘Best Dressed Lady’ for her beautiful vintage ensemble.

Pupils from Rusnacahara N.S. along with pupils from Kilcrohane N.S. competed in a Féis which was held in Rusnachara Church on 18 Mar. This was organised by their Irish dancing teacher, Eilís Cohalan Hodnett who is doing great work with the children. Judge on the day was Juliette O’Riordan who did a fantastic job; all the children received either gold, silver or bronze medals for their performances.

Enrolment day for Rusnacahara N.S. was held on Tues, 24 Mar but anyone who missed the day can contact the school by phone: (027) 67286 or email: if they require information. Communion day will be in Rusnacahara Church on Sat, 16 May @ 11:00.




Kilcrohane NS

BIG congratulations to 3rd, 4th and 5th classes of Kilcrohane N.S. for their award of ‘Best Overall School’ in the Discover Cork: Schools’ Heritage Project. Parents and children went en masse to the Silver Springs Convention Centre to receive the win.

Their project ‘Farming’ had involved the community at large. They interviewed two generations of the O’Donovan family on old and new methods of potato harvesting. They visited the O’Mahony farm in Lower Letter and learned about changes in farming methods from machinery and technology to paperwork. At a field trip to the Black Gate, they learned about butter making and the famous Alice West.

The pupils recorded their information in many creative ways. They wrote a poem called Sally Soil and a story about a cow called Daisy who goes into a time machine and experiences life on a farm in the 1950s. They created a comic strip about Mr. Spud, a potato who shares his journey from being a seed on the O’Donovan farm to his destination on the shelf in SuperValu in Bantry. Many thanks were expressed by the school children and community to Ms. Whooley for all her hard work on the project.

‘Feis’ Muintir Bháire was held in Rusnacahara Church on Weds, 18 Mar. Children received medals for their dedication to Irish dancing. Our thanks to Muinteoir Eilís for organising the event. Parents and children enjoyed refreshments after their afternoon of dancing.




St. James’ NS

IN early March, we celebrated World Book Day with the pupils coming to school dressed as their favourite book character. Johanna Connor and Gabrielle Byrne visited us. Both write and illustrate books and live locally.

Senior classroom pupils worked on their Scríobh Leabhair project producing their own book in Irish—writing the story, designing and constructing the cover. Their efforts went on display in Dunmanway Education Centre and senior pupils attended a celebration of the event and viewed other schools’ work.

With signs of Spring around us, we have started our vegetable garden for the year. We weeded and dug our plots to prepare for the new season, planted early potatoes, covering them carefully with soil and set some onions. We then did a general spring clean of the school grounds.

The school continues to work hard towards earning an Active School Flag with ‘Wake and Shake’ exercises every morning while G.A.A. training happens on alternate Wednesdays with John-Paul.

Pupils are practising for their table tennis tournament and Sciath na Scol. The senior classroom is taking part in the ‘One Good Idea Project’, a SEAI campaign to inspire people to make small everyday changes to use energy more efficiently and help tackle climate change. Pupils’ projects include greener travel, saving energy at home and planting trees.

Paul Toolen talked to the pupils about solar panels and saving energy. Junior classroom visited Schull to see the touring theatre group ‘Graffiti’. Pupils got to safely view the recent partial solar eclipse when Quentin brought in his telescope. Everyone watched intently as they saw the reflected moon pass over and obscure the sun.








