Muintir Bháire Community Council Newsletter
Issue 36 - www. - Christmas 2013
To get your newsletter by email, just ask Annette at
Christmas on the Sheep's Head Peninsula
Blessing & Lighting of Christmas Trees
Durrus, Sat 30 Nov @ 4:30pm - come along to Ross's Green in Durrus Village for the first Christmas tree lighting along the Peninsula. As usual, the ceremony will begin with a time of remembering those who have passed away during the year. After the lights have been turned on, everyone is invited to gather outside Wiseman's Shop for hot chocolate and mulled wine. Santa Claus has also promised to put in an appearance! Our thanks to John Ross and family and to the Wiseman family. All are welcome to attend.
Kilcrohane, Sun 1 Dec @ 4: 30pm - everyone is welcome to the church first for a short carol service and some seasonal readings before we head outside for the tree lighting. Then, back indoors for steaming mugs of hot chocolate, mulled wine and mince pies.
Ahakista, Fri 6 Dec @ 7pm - join us for the annual Christmas tree lighting on the pier. The AGM of the ACA will follow at 8:30pm. Do come along and join in.
Santa @ The Black Gate
Sat & Sun, 7-8 Dec— Santa and Mrs. Claus are fully booked but everyone is welcome to come and enjoy the rest of the fun at this magical weekend event. Just follow Santa's reindeers. Visit the live crib with local farm animals and don't forget the Monster Raffle, there are some fab prizes to be won.
MBCC Christmas Cooking Demo
Weds, 11 Dec @ 8pm in Kilcrohane Hall - stuck in a bit of a cooking rut? Then why not learn some new recipes and liven up your kitchen fare. This year's Christmas cooking demo is by Richard Milnes.
Christmas Day Swim in Ahakista
Work up a hearty appetite on the big day with the annual Christmas Day Swim at Ahakista Pier @ 1pm. Even cheering on all the hardy swimmers will burn a few calories. This year's swim is in aid of Muintir Bhaire Sea Scouts and Ahakista Pier Pontoon. Sponsorship forms available from, Arundel's by the Pier and Wiseman's Durrus.
MBCC Table Quiz
Sat, 28 Dec @ 9pm, Bay View, Kilcrohane - looking for some mental exercise after too much Christmas TV viewing? Then come along to the MBCC table quiz and we'll put your grey matter to work!
Muintir Bhaire Social Club
Tues, 3 Dec, 11am @ Alice West's - the activities group will host a public display of furniture
we restored last Autumn. Light refreshments will be served and a written account of the project will be on display. We hope that all those who took part in the restoration project will join us too.
Tues, 10 Dec, 11am @ Alice West's - join our Christmas Table Decoration Workshop by Mary Walsh. Bring your own materials for a table piece and see what you can create.
Weds, 18 Dec, 12:30pm @ Kilcrohane Hall - join us for our 3 -course Christmas lunch with music. Everyone is welcome. Reserve your place with Julie 086 172 1279.
Keep an eye out for news of our forthcoming bus trip to a panto matinee in Cork either late Dec or the New Year.
Ahakista Rowing Club
Ahakista Rowing Club is delighted with the decision by local clubs to host some rowing events in West Cork for the World Coastal Rowing Boats. Ahakista RC currently has 3 of these style boats - a single, double and quad scull -and to date there has been little opportunity for club competition in Ireland, The first of these Time Trials takes place in Courtmacsherry Harbour on Sun, 26 Jan 2014, over 6 km.
The Club held its AGM with the following officers elected:
President - Colin O'Donovan; Chairperson - Carmel Nash; Vice Chairperson- John O'Mahony;
Secretary - Sinead
O'Donovan; Treasurer -
Annette Nicholas; PRO - Brian Cronin; Men's
Captain - Ger
O'Mahony; Ladies
Captain - Lisa
The Club's
annual fundraising
calendar will be
available shortly through
local outlets.
Kilmocomogue Union of Parishes Christmas Services
St. Brendan's Church. Bantry:
Sun, 22 Dec @ 11am - Parish Nativity Play
Sun, 22 Dec @ 8pm - Community Carol Service
Christmas Eve @ 11:30pm - Midnight Communion
St. James' Church, Durrus
Christmas Day @ ll:45am - Holy Communion Sun, 29 Dec @ ll:45am - Coffee and Carols
Muintir Bhaire Parish Carol Service
Sun, 22 Dec @ 7pm, Rusnacahara Church - mark your diaries for the Parish Carol Service where the church choirs will sing a selection of well-known and loved carols and also a few not-so-familiar ones. During the Carol Service, there will be two slide show presentations using Power Point on the themes of Christmas Abroad and Christmas - full or empty? We hope you will come along and enjoy the service.
Muintir Bhaire Parish Christmas Masses
Christmas Eve by Candleligh:t
Rusnacahara @ 6pm
Gortalassa @ 8pm
Christmas Day
Durrus @ 10am
Kilcrohane @ ll:30am
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity in January—Fr Gerard Galvin, Canon Paul Willoughby and the Reverand Anne Skuse will mark this important week with the usual swapping of preaching duties! Canon Willoughby and the Reverand Skuse will visit Muintir Bhaire Parish on Sun, 19 Jan. Fr Galvin will visit St. James' Church on Sun, 26 Jan. Full details next month.
Sheep's Head Producer's Market
The SHPM are looking forward to their next Christmas Fair in Goleen Hall on Sun, 1 Dec from 2-5pm.
Sat, 21 Dec, 'Last Minute Shopping' Night - do you tend to leave things to the eleventh hour? Then we have something just for you. On this winter solstice, we will remain open till 7pm with festive music to put you in the mood and mince pies to keep you energised. We'd love to see you there.
Books, books, books!
Ever run out of reading material before the next visit of the mobile library? Do you sometimes find that you've no good book to read but Bantry is too far to go for one? Well, good news, you need never be stuck for a book in Kilcrohane again. Browse through our stand of donated books next time you're in the shop. All keenly priced, 100% of proceeds go back into supporting the SHPM.
Outdoor Christmas
Sunday Market
Sun, 8 Dec, llam-lpm 'outside Eileen's Pub.
Join us to celebrate Christmas at the fully booked Sheep's Head Producers' Christmas
Market as familiar stallholders from our summer markets will be joined by guests including Wiseman' Durrus, Manning's Emporium, Rural Animal Welfare Resources and' many more.
With carol singing by the Muintir Bhaire Foroige Club, this promises to be a hive of activity and cheer, so do pop by.
The Sheep's Head Way
Andrew Colman of Christian Aid Ireland has
confirmed that the
Sheep's Head Hike last Sept reached its target of €6,000. This year's hike had the largest number of participants so far. More than €36,000 has been raised over the last 5 years.
The Sheep's Head Way would like to thank Noel McCarthy of Kilcrohane village for his help organising and informing land owners of our new loop walk: The Pier Loop. This walk starts in Kilcrohane Village. Turn down the Paddock Road until you reach the strand. Turn right here and continue on until you reach Kilcrohane Pier at Traig a Teampaill. From here, continue on following the road until you meet The Sheep's Head Way. Turn right here off road and this will lead you back again to the village.
The second six month instalment of this year's payment to land owners who participate in The Sheep's Head Way Walk Scheme is due in December. We are reminding landowners to maintain their stretch of trail to the highest possible standard as failure to do so may result in a loss of payment. Thank you all for your co-operation. or phone 087 9722065. Your comments are appreciated.
Muintir Bhaire Foroige Club
Muintir Bhaire Foroige Club has been very busy over the last couple of months. Here is a run-down on all our activities:
Members participated in the inter-club table quiz and our
team came 4th overall. We are very proud of their achievement.
Our club went to the Nightmare Realm and others went bowling in the Leisure Plex in Cork. A fun and scary night was had by all including the Leaders!
Timmy and Christopher from O'Donovan Motors kindly educated us on the finer points of car maintenance and our members and leaders came away with lots of tips and advice on how to pass the NCT!
Niamh from the Sheep's Head Producers' Market gave us a talk on setting up a market stand and lots of advice and inspiration for getting ready for the Sheep's Head Producers' Outdoor Christmas Market. We have spent the last few weeks preparing and hope to sell some of our crafts to raise much-needed funds for our club.
Our members graduated from Elf School last year and Santa and Mrs. Claus were so impressed with their work that they have invited us back again this year. We are very excited and can't wait to learn more skills from Santa's Chief Elf during Santa @ The Black Gate.
Finally, we thank everyone who helped and supported our club this year. We wish you and your families a Merry Christmas and a peaceful New Year.
The Sheep's Head & Bantry
Tourism Co - op
The Sheep's Head and Bantry Tourism Co-operative is looking to promote a programme of regular guided walks throughout the year. The programme, available online, will pull together all of the walks offered by local groups and tour guides. If you have a planned walk you'd like to have listed, or you're interested in finding out more about what's involved in participating in the promotion, please contact Siobhan Burke, Marketing Coordinator, on 086 3030991 or email info@)
Annual St. Stephens Day Walk Thurs 26 Dec 2013
on the Sheep's Head Way (
Registration @ 12 noon in the Cabin, Ahakista located between Arundel's by the Pier and Ahakista Pier
Choose one of two guided walks: an easier route for inexperienced walkers (~1-1.5 hours) or a more challenging route for
experienced walkers (~3 hours)
You walk at your own risk. Please bring appropriate foot wear and rain gear! Refreshments will be served afterwards
All proceeds in aid of the Sheep's Head Sea Scouts.For further info, call Annette 086 1910908
Sheep's Head Sea Scouts Beavers
Muintir Bhaire Sea Scouts Beavers have been busy preparing for the upcoming Sheep's Head Producers' Outdoor Christmas Market. All their hard work will be on display and for sale on the day. Beavers will finish their year with an adventure walk in Glengarriff Woods followed by a picnic and lots of festive treats.
There will be a few weeks break and Scouts will resume their meetings again every Sat from Feb. Ordinarily Scouts stop in the summer but Muintir Bhaire Sea Scouts Beavers are taking their break now to enable them to continue meeting in the summer months. This gives the chance of better weather to go camping, swimming and hiking to name just a few activities planned.
It is hoped that Cubs (9-11 years) will start in Feb and there are still places available. To secure a place or to find out more, please contact Annette Logan 086 1910908 or Kieran Connolly 087 7601313. And don't forget the Christmas Day Swim in Ahakista -details above. You can call the Scout Phone on 086 0671727 for more info.
Christmas school plays & concerts
Children of every age across the peninsula are very busy rehearsing for their Christmas plays and concerts. Here's a rundown of all the performances:
Thurs, 12 Dec @ 6pm - for the St. James N.S. Christmas concert, junior classroom will perform The Hoity Toity Angels and the senior classroom their unique version of The X Factor
Fri, 13 Dec @ 7pm, Durrus Hall - Carrigboy N.S. Christmas concert. All welcome to what promises to be a great night for everyone involved.
Tues, 17 Dec @ 7pm, Rusnacahara Church - come and enjoy Rusnacahara N.S. Christmas Play Hosanna Rock.
Thurs, 19 Dec, Kilcrohane Hall - for the Kilcrohane N.S. Christmas Plays, the junior pupils will perform Grandpa's Nativity Story and the seniors will put on A Tale form West Cork.
Thurs, 19 Dec, at ll:45am - Muintir Bhaire Pre-School
Christmas concert is on and all parents and grandparents are very welcome.
Sheep's Head Toddler & Baby Group
Thurs, 5 Dec, 10-noon @ Durrus Hall - Santa will be paying a visit to the
Sheep's Head Toddler and Baby Group. Open to all, we love to see new faces.
This will be the last meeting before Christmas and the group will resume again on Thurs, 9 Jan. All enquiries to 086 3520498.
National School Updates
The 2014 School Calendar is now on sale in Wiseman's and Ryan's for €10. A big thank you to local businesses for their support in making our calendar possible.
This year's Christmas Shoe Box Appeal was a great success again with the school community contributing 82 shoeboxes to less fortunate children. Your efforts are greatly appreciated.
Don't forget Carrigboy's Annual Craft Fair on Mon, 2 Dec, in Durrus Community Hall
from 7-9pm. This promises to be another great night with a Wheel of Fortune, Cakes, Raffles for great Prizes, Bric-a-Brac, Lucky Dip and much more! Teas will be served.
It's a busy time of year as pupils are making crafts for Santa @ The Black Gate and for the Sheep's Head Producers' Christmas Market.
Sat, 14 Dec, after 6pm Mass in Rusnacahara, a Cake Sale will be held in the school with some of the proceeds going to the Philippines Disaster Fund.
Pupils in Junior Infants and Sixth Class took part in a Children's Oral Health Survey, which is a joint University College Cork/Health Service Executive research project about children's oral health. Part of the research is to measure the effect of fluoridation on children's teeth as opposed to non-fluoridation.
The school was delighted to receive a donation from Mary Daly (Bay View) on behalf of Kilcrohane Bowling Club. This was used to purchase items to assist pupils with Maths and English.
The pupils' Christmas outing this year will be a trip to Cinemax Bantry.
Wishing you and yours a Peaceful Christmas and a Happy New Year from all at Rusnacahara N.S., Ahakista.
As part of our work for our 5th Green Flag for Biodiversity, pupils attended a day of related activities in Ballygarvan Woods.
Preparations for Christmas have started with senior classroom pupils decorating Christmas crafts, which will be available to buy at Santa @ The Black Gate.
St. James'
As winter proceeds, the pupils are gearing up for the festive season. On these crisp mornings, it is a pleasure to catch the walking school bus and, weather permitting, it will continue three days a week throughout the year as the school participates for the Active Flag.
Pupils took part in the annual MS Readathon, raising the magnificent sum of €530 and enjoying books along the way. Pupils and parents will join those of St. Brendan's National School to get into the festive spirit with their combined School Carol Service in St. Brendan's Church, Bantry on Fri, 20 Dec @ 10am. Then, after coffee and chat, the Christmas Holidays will begin!
Muintir Bháire Community Council Newsletter
Issue 36 - www. - Christmas 2013
Muintir Bháire Community Council Newsletter
Issue 35 - www. - Oct 2013
Our email list is growing! To get your newsletter by email, just send your address to Annette at
There will be a Halloween Party with fun and games in Kilcrohane Community Hall on Thurs, 31 Oct, at 6.30pm. This is open to kids under 12 and all children must be accompanied by an adult.
for a Cookery Demo in Kilcrohane on Weds, 11 Dec.
THE Community Alert in Kilcrohane and Ahakista, want to thank all who contributed to their church gate collection over the summer.
In Kilcrohane €408.00, and in Ahakista €63.08, were collected.
Muintir Bháire Foróige Club recently celebrated its 2nd birthday and is delighted to announce the members of the Club Committee for 2013/2014.
Chairperson–Evan O'Sullivan; Vice-Chairperson–Aoife O'Donovan; Secretary–Rachel O'Regan; Assistant Secretary–Hayley Gore Grimes; Treasurer–Andrea Stock; Assistant Secretary–Caoimhe Harrington; PRO–Jasmine Thornton and Assistant PRO–Ryan Tobin.
Club membership is at full capacity! A waiting list has been established. Any vacated places will be allocated to those currently on the list.
THE group enjoyed a lovely meal in the hall last month; numbers were a little lower than usual but nevertheless it was nice to catch up after our summer break.
The ladies group continue to meet at Alice West’s @ The Black Gate, every Tues at 10:30am. At the moment, we are knitting clothes for premature babies in hospitals; if you are interested in needlework be sure to join us.
In preparation for Christmas, the ladies group will hold a mincemeat-making workshop on Tues, 12 Nov, where we will share the required ingredients and also the end product. For more info, contact Julie 086 1721279.
Join us for our October lunch in the Kilcrohane Community Hall on Weds, 30 Oct. It is Halloween and we would love to see new faces so do come along.
The activities group will host a public display of furniture we restored last Autumn on Tues, 3 Dec, at Alice West’s. Light refreshments will be served and a written account of the project will be on display. Everyone who took part in the restoration project is invited to come along.
Unfortunately due to ever increasing cutbacks we are unable to secure funding from the VEC for our usual Autumn classes. We are hopeful that we will get some funding for the Spring.
We hope to organise a bus trip to a panto matinée in Cork in early December, more details later.
Our Christmas lunch with music will be in Kilcrohane on Wed, 18 Dec, and everyone is welcome.
THE AGM of the Muintir Bháire Pre-School took place on Tues, 15 Oct. The following posts were appointed on the night:
Chairperson—Judith Payne; Vice-chairperson—Claire Daly; Secretary— Anne-Marie O' Donovan; Treasurer—Katherine O'Sullivan; PRO—Siobhan Cashman. Committee Members: Fiona Arundel, Marie Nicholas, Carol Tobin, Eleanor Cronin, Annetta Dukelow and Colin Wiseman.
The meeting was well attended; thanks to everyone who made the effort to be there. Dietician Fiona Keohane gave a very interesting and informative talk on healthy eating for young people. The Board of Management would like to say a big thank you to Fiona for taking time out of her busy schedule to come along.
Arundels by the Pier will host a Halloween Fancy Dress on Sat, 26 Oct from 9.30pm till late. Proceeds of this night will go to the Pre-School and the Pier Pontoon.
A great night is guaranteed so come along and support these worthwhile causes.
The Sheep's Head Baby and Toddler Group meet every Thursday in Durrus Community Hall from 10am-12pm in line with school holidays. Open to all parents, childminders and grandparents.
This is a great way to meet new people in the area and for children to make new friends. Tea, coffee and refreshments served.
THE Sheep's Head Sea Scout Beavers have started with great enthusiasm and tremendous energy from children and adults alike. The group is only possible thanks to the time and commitment of each parent who signed up as a Scouter who facilitate children’s activities on regular Saturdays. Other parents have signed up as a Parent/Friend; they commit to at least 12 hours assisting with events over the course of the year.
One of the many benefits of the Sea Scout Beavers group is that it gives children and adults a chance to pursue things that they might not get to do otherwise. There are various activities for children; some will be water based in the future but children don’t need to be able to swim to join the Beavers.
The Beavers recently availed of the beautiful October sunshine by heading to the beach and exploring all the wonders of our stunning West Cork coastline.
There is already a great sense of camaraderie among the Beavers who come from all over the Sheep's Head Peninsula and so are making completely new friends.
Meetings take place every Saturday from 10.30 to 11.45 in The Cabin in Ahakista. Places for Beavers still remain; these are suitable for children aged 6-8 years. Cubs will start shortly when there are sufficient numbers suitable for ages between 9-11 years.
Anyone interested in securing a place, or to find out more information, please contact Annette Logan 086 1910908 or Kieran Connolly 087 7601313.
THANK YOU from the Sheep’s Head Producers’ Market (SHPM)and ‘go raibh míle maith agaibh’ to everyone who stopped by the seasonal Sunday Market in 2013.
Plans are afoot to make it bigger and better in 2014 and we’d love to see some new faces behind the stalls. Call Caroline at 027 67887 to learn more.
The Market Shop in Kilcrohane is getting a makeover soon so it’s going to be an exciting New Year down at the Old Creamery. Meanwhile, it’s business as usual for all your local food, craft and art needs. Why not stop by for a browse, there is new stock coming in all the time.
Autumn/Winter Shop hours
Mon-Sat, 11am-5pm
Sun, 12:30pm-5pm
Christmas Sunday Market
Join us to celebrate Christmas at the Sheep's Head Producers' Christmas Market on Sun, 8 Dec, from 11am - 1pm outside Eileen’s Pub. We will be joined by a few guest stallholders.
For bookings and information, contact Niamh on 087 3448089 or
‘Last Minute Shopping’ Night
Do you tend to leave things to the eleventh hour? Then we have something just for you. We are holding a 'Last Minute Shopping’ Night on Sat, 21 Dec, when the SHPM shop will be open till 7pm with festive music to put you in the mood and mince pies to keep you energised.
THE Sheep's Head & Bantry Tourism Co-operative has begun its promotion campaign, after successfully reaching its funding target in September.
The co-op's marketing co-ordinator Siobhán Burke is working with local businesses and tourism providers to help promote our area, and the focus of the campaign will be on encouraging visitors to 'live the Sheep's Head Way’ while they're here, enjoying great walks, food and company in our part of West Cork.
Your support for the 'Living the Sheep's Head Way' Facebook page, and the @visitsheepshead Twitter accounts would be greatly appreciated, and anyone interested in joining the co-op can contact John Tobin ( or Siobhán on 086 3030991
150 WALKERS took part in the annual Christian Aid Sheep’s Head Hike on Sat, 7 Sept. Almost €5,500 has been raised so far, approaching the target of €6,000. The funds raised for Christian Aid through the annual Sheep’s Head Hike support local partners in over 50 of the world’s poorest countries; the main emphasis of this year’s funds is Christian Aid partners in Haiti.
There were two walks on the day. The first walk was 14km and took 4 -5 hours to complete. The walk started at the top of The Goat’s Path and went along the Peakeen Ridge and down to The Black Gate. From there the walk went to Kilcrohane Hall via the Sheep’s Head Way following the same route as the second walk.
The second walk was 7km and took 2.5 -3 hours to complete. The walk started at The Black Gate and went down to Trá Ruaim and from there back to Kilcrohane Hall via the Sheep’s Head Way, taking in sections of the Caher and Funeral Path Loops.
Refreshments for the walkers were provided at Kilcrohane Hall and generously donated and served by Ulla with the help of others. Andrew Coleman of Christian Aid Ireland expressed his gratitude to all those who helped and supported the walk especially the local guides.
We at the Sheep’s Head Way would like to thank the local guides who helped us on the day and were so kind to give up their time to help out for a good cause. In particular, our gratitude to Charlie McCarthy, Liam Tobin and Helen O’Mahony for providing us with local history and stories relevant to the area on both walks.
On a separate note, if there is any damage to way markers, timber styles, etc., or any part of the trail that needs further works, please report to the Sheep’s Head Way office or phone 087 9722065. Your comments are appreciated.
A SERVICE of Remembrance will be held in Rusnacahara Church on Fri, 1 Nov, beginning at 7:30pm. The service gives people an opportunity to gather and, in silence, word, song and prayer, to remember our deceased relatives and friends.
The Novena for the Holy Souls begins with the 6pm Vigil Mass on Sat, 2 Nov in Rusnacahara. The Novena ends on Sun, 10 Nov, with the 11.30am mass in Kilcrohane. The Sunday masses form part of the Novena. During the weekdays of the Novena, there will be three masses daily – in Durrus, in Kilcrohane and alternating between Rusnacahara and Gortalassa.
Graveyard Prayers
In Kilcrohane Graveyard at 3pm on Sun, 3 Nov.
In Durrus Graveyard at 3pm on Sun, 10 Nov.
Rosary in Moulivard Graveyard at 4pm on Sun, 10 Nov.
THE Ahakista Festival Committee would like to sincerely thank everyone who supported their events over the August Bank Holiday. Also a massive thank you to all the people who gave up their time and energy to make the Festival & Regatta such a success.
The Association will be holding its AGM in December and will host the annual Christmas Day Swim in Ahakista; watch this space for further information.
THE school would like to welcome five new junior infants to the school: Rioghan McGrettigan, Alan O'Sullivan, Art O'Leary, Luke McCarthy and Stephen O'Donovan. The school also welcomes Pearl O'Leary who joined 4th class.
The school is grateful to everyone who contributed to the church gate collection on the August Bank Holiday weekend.
The school has started its work on the Active Flag. The school has a ‘wake up, shake up’ morning for four mornings a week for ten minutes before school starts and a WOW every Wednesday.
The school held a themed Active activity every Friday in September. The school hosted a tracksuit day, a ‘drop and dance’ day and a spinathon. Great fun was had by all! The school is also currently working towards its fifth Green Flag, which is based on Biodiversity.
The school hosted the VOX brass band in the local hall and listened to a range of tunes played by the band. The school also had a smoothie day, where each child got to make their own smoothie in school.
Congrats to the school’s three prize-winners in the Sherkin Island Art competition: Seán McCarthy, Ellen O'Donovan and Nigel O'Sullivan. The school would like to thank the Kilcrohane Bowling Club for their kind donation to the school; it was very much appreciated.
A CHEERIO’S Breakfast Morning in aid of Childline was held on Fri, 11 Oct. All the pupils enjoyed the event, especially the seven new pupils in the school.
On Fri, 25 Oct, the children will be dressing up for Halloween in aid of Temple St. Children’s Hospital. A total of €75.50 was raised and will be divided between both charities.
Pupils are busy filling shoeboxes with various items to give to children less fortunate. If you would like to participate, please give a shoebox of items suitable for either a boy or girl from two to fourteen years of age (do not include food items) along with a €4 admin fee requested by Team Hope and drop it into the school by Fri, 8 Nov.
St. James National School
This term has been very busy so far with nature walks, jam and scone baking, learning about Greece and playing with toys from the olden days. Math’s Week was celebrated in style with all sorts of problem solving – from building towers to sorting cubes.
The walking bus ran successfully for three days a week.
CONGRATULATIONS to Mr. O’Driscoll’s 5th and 6th classes who finished in second place in Ireland in the national target board competition, which was run throughout the county in conjunction with maths week.
This involved many hours entering various mathematical equations into computers in order to achieve their fantastic score. The winning school was Castleconnell School in Limerick.
Carrigboy’s Annual Craft Fair is on Mon, 2 Dec, in Durrus Community Hall from 7-9pm. This promises to be another great night with a Wheel of Fortune, Cakes, Raffles for great Prizes, Bric-a-Brac, Lucky Dip and much more! Teas will be served.
Our Christmas concert is on Fri, 13 Dec, at 7pm.
All are welcome to come and enjoy the wonderful performances.
Muintir Bháire Community Council Newsletter
Issue 35 - www. - Oct 2013
Muintir Bháire Community Council Newsletter
Issue 34 - www. - July 2013
KILCROHANE Carnival will run from Tues, 16 July to Sun, 21 July and you are invited to join in the fun.
Tues, 16 July Cards in the Community Hall
Weds, 17 July Cookery Demo in the Community Hall at 8:30pm
Thurs, 18 July Table Quiz in Bay View Bar at 9pm
Fri, 19 July Children’s Sports in the Community Field at 7:30pm
Sat, 20 July Duck Race at 8:30pm
Sun, 21 July Fancy Dress Parade at 2.30pm followed by Family Fun events in the Community Field
Your support of these events would be appreciated.
July BBQ
FAMILY Fun Day, Sun 28 July from 3pm at Alice West's @ The Black Gate - with BBQ and fun and games for the kids and adults. Admission: €10 per adult. Children go free.
Kids MUST be accompanied by an adult.
August BBQ
FAMILY BBQ (burgers, sausages and local fish), Sun 11 Aug from 3pm at the Tin Pub. Entertainment for all!
IF you are interested in learning to swim or in learning life saving skills you should sign up for the National Water Safety Course which will take place at Kilcrohane Pier (turn left at the playground west of the village) from Mon, 22 July to Fri, 26 July.
Again, this year any learner or improving adults are very welcome.
Anybody interested in booking one of the free places should contact Anne McCarthy at 027 67035.
There will be a barbeque on Fri, 26 July at noon to mark the end of the course for all participants.
A big thank you to our sponsors, New York Friends of Ireland.
The apartment on the upper floor in Alice West's @ The Black Gate is to rent!
Available for summer letting, self-catering, sleeps two.
For bookings, contact Annette 083 1110983.
The Sheep’s Head Way
LANDOWNERS, you all should have received the renewal of contract and maintenance plan for The Sheep’s Head Way for the new time period in the post last week. Please sign and return the forms as soon as possible to receive payment without any further delay. We are reminding landowners to maintain their stretch of trail to the highest possible standard as failure to do so may result in loss of payment.
If there is any damage to way markers, timber styles, etc. or any part of the trail that needs further works, please report to the Sheep’s Head Way office or phone 087 9722065.
On Sat, 3 Aug, there will be a walk on the Sheep’s Head Way as part of the Ahakista Regatta events. Registration at 10.30am at the Cabin, Ahakista. For more information, please see the Ahakista Regatta schedule.
Alice West's @ The Black Gate
open 12-5pm daily.
Come and enjoy our fresh baking, tea and coffee in a stunning setting
Sunday Market
Market Shop
Mon-Fri, 11am-5pm; Sat, 10am-6pm; Sun, 1pm-5pm
IT’S hotting up on the Sheep’s Head Peninsula and the fresh, local produce and plants are rolling in to the Sheep’s Head Producers’ Market (SHPM).
With some 80 local artisans now selling through the SHPM, there is something for everyone at the Market Shop in the Old Creamery Complex.
Plus, come and meet some of our producers and craftspeople at the weekly Sunday Market, outside Eileen’s Pub in Kilcrohane. Offerings are expanding every week. Browsers and pets very welcome. Free advice on where to stay and eat and what to see across the Peninsula.
We’re trying something new. We all have some ‘baggage’, plus who couldn’t use a few extra euro, so why not take this time to make a clean sweep of it and offload some of your clutter at the ‘Clear out your Clutter’ Sale on Sat, 27 July, in Kilcrohane, from 11am-3pm.
This is a General Market, so bring along a table or rail and pop your unwanted treasures on top. €5 per table or rail and places are limited so contact Niamh at 087 1491549 to book your place.
The Sheep’s Head Producers’ Market is delighted to announce that they will have a stand at the Ahakista Regatta Day on Sun, 4 Aug, offering a selection of items for sale from the Market Shop. Always a great day out for all the family, we can’t wait!
SING with Acapellabella in Kilcrohane—no experience required!
On Sun, 11 Aug, from 12:15pm, West Cork Community Choir, Acapellabella, will sing at the Sunday Market outside Eileen’s Pub.
Around 3-5pm, Choir Director Caz will run a singing workshop at the White House Gallery, to introduce people to some of the songs we sing. The workshop will be for donations. We sing in harmony, songs from around the world and modern, popular songs.
6-9pm, Eileen’s Pub, Acapellabella will be hosting a "singing session", encouraging others to join in and/or sing songs of their own. Please join us for a relaxed and spontaneous evening.
For more info, ring Caz on 083 1425599 or Pat on 087 4113939.
The Muintir Bháire Social Club was founded in 2009 by the Muintir Bháire Community Council (MBCC).
The aim of Club is to combat rural isolation and to provide people living in the community with an opportunity to socialise and to participate in activities within their locality.
With funds from the HSE, the MBCC employs Julie O’Neill to coordinate the Social Club. It hosts monthly meals, adult education classes, bus trips and weekly get-togethers.
If you are interested in coming along or finding out more, please give Julie a call on 086 1721279.
The Social Club’s next monthly lunch is on Weds, 31 July at 12:30pm in the Bay View Restaurant in Kilcrohane. All welcome. Please reserve your place with Julie at 086 1721279.
Coming up! We will be running an evening to Gougane Barra 'Supper Club' in late July/early Aug. Details will be posted in the Southern Star‘s Durrus Notes and announced at all masses and via posters in the local noticeboards. There will be no monthly lunch in August.
Are you or your child interested in learning to kayak safely ? Dunmanus Bay Swim Club have organised a learn-to-kayak course (2 hours) during swim week with two qualified instructors on hand .
Max 20 people, age 10+ and adults welcome. You must have own kayak and life jacket (siblings may be accommodated)
Thurs, 25 July at 2:30pm or Fri, 26 July at 3pm
Contact: Maureen 087 9405022
Cost 5 euro. This course is subsidised by the New York Friends of Ireland.
This August Bank Holiday, Hawaii is coming to Ahakista... Both Ahakista Community Association and Ahakista Rowing Club are working together to help ensure it is a fun-packed, exciting weekend!
Fri 2 Aug
Quiz Night with compère extraordinaire Graham Norton at 9pm in Arundel’s by the Pier.
Pre-booking essential - Limited places available. Teams of 4. €10 p.p.
Email to book a place or call 086 1552589.
Sat 3 Aug
11am Guided Hill Walk on the Sheep’s Head Way.
3-5pm Fabulous Children’s Fancy Dress Disco! Performance by Melody Matters. Lots of Fun & Games. Up to 12yrs @Tin Pub Garden Marquee
7pm Hawaiian Fancy Dress Beach Party with DJ Ray. Get out those grass skirts & flowery shirts and come along for a fun-filled evening with a pig-on-a-spit, a spectacular show by Eile entertainment & lots of party games in the garden of Arundel’s by the Pier
Sun 4 Aug Regatta Day, 12-6pm
Coastal Gig racing, the infamous Raft Race, Carnival Side Shows, Rodeo Bull, Choice of Foods, local Crafts & Produce.
A Recession-Busting Family Day Out. Pay only €5 p.p. at the gate & your kiddies have free access to the Bouncy Castle, Face Painting, Climbing Wall, Novelty Races, Obstacle Courses, Water Slides, Greasy Pole, Swimming & Kayaking. Family passes available.
5-7pm Live jazz music on the water
Mon 5 Aug
3pm The Jack Tobin Memorial Fishing Competition. BBQ your catch afterwards.
6:30pm Muintir Bháire Tug o’ War Championship
Tues 6 Aug
45 Progressive Card Drive in the Cabin
Check out the ‘Ahakista Regatta’ FB Page, email or phone 086 1012150 for further info.
At Kilcrohane Community Hall
Wed, 31 July, 8pm
CallBack Theatre presents FRED & ALICE LOVE IN THE TIME OF OCD by John Sheehy
Wed, 7 Aug, at 8pm
Blood In The Alley presents THIS EBONY BIRD by Michéal Lovett
Wed, 14 Aug, at 8pm
WITNESS by Carmel Winters (World Première)
Thur, 22 Aug at 8pm
Chameleon presents LOVE PEACE AND ROBBERY by Liam Heylin
Tickets at the door, €10.00 per ticket, Concession €8.00, Family ticket €30 (2 adults + 2 teens)
Limited seating – come early to avoid disappointment Not suitable for audiences under 14
For more information, please check out our website:
MUINTIR Bháire Foróige Club is coming to the end of its second year and we would like to thank everyone for supporting our club again this year. Our weekly club nights finished up at the end of May but we will be meeting for some activities during the summer.
Our club was granted permission to do a Church Gate Collection on Sun, 7 July and we would like to sincerely thank all those who kindly supported us. The total raised was €347.22.
The Leaders in the club are currently reviewing how the club worked this year and we have received a lot of feedback from our members, Leaders, parents and guardians.
The Leaders will be meeting over the coming weeks to prepare for when our club commences weekly club nights in September and in order to help us to improve how the club works, we would welcome your feedback, comments and suggestions.
We are particularly keen to get involved in some community work with other established groups such as the local community councils, etc.
You can contact the club by emailing
We had a challenging year this year. We tried a new approach to running the club by giving our members more autonomy. Our membership increased to 40 and not unlike other voluntary groups, we struggled to come up with innovative and entertaining activities while keeping to a tight budget. Coupled with this we only have 12 Leaders to run the club throughout the year on a weekly basis.
With all of this in mind, we have decided to limit our membership for the coming year to between 20 to 25 members. This will mean that our Leaders rota will be less onerous and it will also lessen the financial cost of running activities and hiring buses, etc.
Our Registration night for 2013/2014 will take place in early September.
Please keep an eye out for our posters for more information.
Thank you again for supporting Muintir Bháire Foróige Club.
The annual Durrus Fête, held every year in the garden of the Rectory of the Church of Ireland in Durrus, is one of the highlights of the West Cork summer. This year, it will take place on Weds, 14 Aug, from 12 noon.
Thanks to a hard-working team, and massive community support, this event has grown in popularity over the last decade, and visitor numbers attending have now reached no fewer than 1,250 adults and 700 children on the day of the Fête.
The Fête is unique in being a hugely successful community event that relies entirely on a willing team of volunteers, local men and women who erect the marquees, bake for the cake stall, fund-raise to assist with costs, and who then staff the stalls during the Fête, before dismantling everything the following day.
Stalls include three food areas with lunch, a barbecue and the legendary afternoon tea!
There is an amazing children's play area with five inflatable games. Admission to the play area is €5 for the day.
There is live music on two stages and a range of other stalls, including cakes and country produce, plants, bric-a-brac, books and more.
THE pupils of the school had a fantastic tour to Trabolgan on 19 June. A great day was had by all on 25 June at Rusnacahara N.S. when the three sixth class pupils, Anthony Arundel, Evelyn O' Donovan and Ben Dealy raised the school's first Green Flag.
Everyone enjoyed a delicious BBQ and there was face painting for the children. Thanks to all who helped. School will re-open on Thurs, 29 Aug.
AT the end of the school year, the principal Michael Cronin thanked all the staff, parents and especially the pupils for their hard work in making it a wonderful year in Carrigboy. The school is extremely grateful for the huge parental support.
The six pupils who won gold medals for full attendance were Alaina O’Brien, Ronan Kelleher, Tanisha O’Sullivan, Anthony O’Sullivan, Alex Kelleher and Shannah O’Sullivan. The other award winners were Jack O’Driscoll and Heidi Stock - Footballers of the Year; Becky O’Sullivan - Sports person of the Year; Special Achievement Award went to James Hickey for his road bowling exploits; Student of the Year - Eimear O’Dwyer and the Principal’s Award went to Melissa Draper.
Those who graduated from sixth class were Evelyn Burke, Melissa Draper, Eimear O’Dwyer, Jack O’Driscoll, Becky O’Sullivan, Heidi Stock, Mark Power and Dara Simpson.
See you on Mon, 2 Sept, to start all over again.
Muintir Bháire Community Council Newsletter
Issue 34 - www. - July 2013
Muintir Bháire Community Council Newsletter
Issue 33 - www. - Summer 2013
With Karen Buckley, BA, HDAPE, for 5 to 12 year olds
Mon, 8 July to Fri, 12 July 10am to 2pm in Kilcrohane Hall and the Community Field.
Activities will include fun & games and arts & crafts. Children should bring a packed lunch each day and plenty to drink. Remember your sun screen!
Plus, new lower prices €50 – 1 child €95 – 2 children €135 – 3 children
Every subsequent child is an additional €40. Costs are subsidised by Muintir Bháire Community Council. A deposit is required to secure a place.
Please contact Annette Nicholas on 083 1110983 for further info
Family Fun Day, Sun 28 July from 3pm at Alice West's @ The Black Gate - with BBQ and fun and games for the kids and adults.
Admission: €10 per adult. Children go free. Kids MUST be accompanied by an adult.
Family BBQ (burgers, sausages and local fish), Sun 11 Aug from 3pm at the Tin Pub. Entertainment for all.
Muintir Bháire Community Council would like to say a very big thank you to the people (old and young) that turned out to help with the beach clean-up on Sat 27 April.
Every little piece of rubbish off the beaches and roads is a great help. Up to 80 bags were gathered.
There was a wide range of waste from household rubbish to broken glass to ropes and nets.
A lot of rubbish on the road-side is just thrown out of car windows – this must stop if we are to keep our beautiful area clean.
The Community Council wish to thank Richie Tobin and Jimmy Griffin of Cork County Council who provided bags and disposed of the rubbish.
Just a little reminder to people-if you are out and about, please take your rubbish home…
Sat, 1 June, 8pm in Kilcrohane Hall—‘Reeling in the Years’—a show of some of the video tapes that Bob Walsh made during his time on the Sheep's Head Peninsula.
By kind permission of Mary Walsh. Admission €5
@ THE BLACK GATE from Sat, 1 June
Alice West's @ The Black Gate open 12-5pm daily.
Come and enjoy our fresh baking, tea and coffee in a stunning setting.
The apartment on the upper floor in Alice West's @ The Black Gate is ready to rent!
Available for summer letting, self-catering, sleeps two.
For bookings, contact Annette 083 1110983.
The Social Activities Group will hold their next lunch on Weds May 29 and Weds 26 June in Kilcrohane Community Hall at 12.30pm.
Everyone is welcome and it would be lovely to see more new faces. So, please come along and share a good meal with friends. If you need a lift or to book your place, call Julie on 086 1721279.
We plan a day trip to Fota House and Gardens/Wildlife Park on Tues 2 July, approx €25. Forthcoming info on local noticeboards and in Church announcements.
We also hope to attend the drama festival at Gougane Barra later July/early Aug, more info nearer the time. For queries on any of the above, contact Julie 086 1721279.
Every Tues a.m. we meet at Alice West's @ The Black Gate.
We currently number 12 and we welcome all ladies to join us for a few hours each week.
We like to do local walks if the weather allows; if not, we play cards and board games in the Alice West house.
Over the coming months, we look forward to visiting local gardens and other places of interest. So, if you have a few hours free on a Tues morning, do come along and see for yourself!
Members of the SHPM wish to thank everyone who supported their fundraiser for Kilcrohane National School.
A total of €100 was raised by selling local daffodils through the market shop.
Originally planted by the Kilcrohane Growers Co-op, the flowers can be seen in fields near the village and provide a fabulous display of springtime colour. With the landowners’ permission, pupils picked and sorted the daffodils which were then exchanged for donations from customers at the Market Shop.
The SHPM Steering Committee has invited all the schools on the peninsula to propose one suitable innovative project per year for fundraising through the Producers’ Market or Market Shop.
Producers’ Market – every Sunday 11am to 1pm from now to September. Enjoy the first pick of fresh local produce, as well as crafts, preserves, fresh baking, plants and much more.
As the growing season picks up, the selection of fresh produce available each week will increase. Various live music and entertainment events will feature during the summer months.
The Market Shop continues to open 11am–5pm, Mon-Sat, and from 1.30pm on Sun during the Producers’ Market season.
We hope to open for longer hours during the summer but are dependent on willing volunteers to run the shop or help out with other tasks.We welcome everyone who has a few spare hours to give a helping hand.
As we enter our third year, we now have 76 members! If you're a Sheep's Head resident (in area of Muintir Bháire or Durrus community councils) with something locally produced to sell, you can join us as a ‘producer member’.
Anyone can support the project by becoming a ‘non-producer member’. Drop into the Market Shop or talk to us at the Producers’ Market, email or contact Niamh 087 1491549 to find out more.
Existing producers, please get in touch with Niamh to update your membership details.
Mon, 24 June, Maritime Hotel, 5-7pm. West Cork Development Partnership will highlight day, evening, and part-time education and training courses as well as training supports due to start in September or sooner.
The Bay View Bar, Kilcrohane was drawn as the venue for the next draw on Sat, 29 June . Sincere thanks to John and Tara Ross for their wonderful hospitality during the April draw.
The annual Ahakista Festival & Regatta will take place on the August Bank Holiday weekend from Fri 2 Aug to Mon 5 Aug.
The Ahakista Community Association and the Ahakista Rowing Club are coming together to help ensure it is a fun-packed exciting weekend!
We are all working on some fantastic, novel ideas and suggestions at the moment.
Soon we will have a Facebook page to keep you up-to-date on developments.
We seek stalls for the Sunday and with an area so rich in local, delicious produce and amazing arts and crafts, we hope there will be a huge demand for these, so get in early to avoid disappointment!
All ideas greatly welcomed, so feel free to email the Ahakista Community Association on .
Join us for a gathering of all the descendants, relations and cousins of John Tobin and Mary Spillane from Caherurlagh, married on 4 Feb, 1836, in Kilcrohane – also known as the Tobin Mallorys.
Sun 2 June – meet us at 1pm in the Bay View Inn to talk about family history and have a big family get-together.
Music and finger food will be provided and it will be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to meet other members of the family from far and near.
Mon 3 June – gather at 1pm at Alice West's @ The Black Gate for a guided walk around the Caherurlagh townland, which is part of the Sheepshead Way, and see the area where the Tobin Family originated. Wear sturdy walking shoes or boots!
The walk will also end at Alice West's @ The Black Gate, where refreshments will be provided.
B&B at the Bay View Inn Sun night 2 June for €25.00 for those who would like to stay over. For further details please contact or 086 8592427
Sat 1 June and Sun 2 June – Bantry Walking Festival takes place on the June Bank Holiday weekend with guided walks on the Sheep’s Head Way, Beara Way and Whiddy Island – the walks are of varying length with options to cut a walk short en route if necessary.
Locally, there will be walks on Sat 1 June and Sun 2 June on Seefin, to the Lighthouse, and a walk at Coomkeen, Durrus. For full information and to register in advance go to
Mon 3 June – as part of the Tobin Gathering in Kilcrohane, there will be a short, relatively easy guided historical walk to the Holed/Marriage Stone at Caherurlagh and to see some of the homes and area where the Mallory Tobins originated.
Gather at Alice West's @ The Black Gate at 1pm – please wear your boots!
Comments, suggestions or ideas to improve The Sheep’s Head Way trail are always welcome; please submit these via the website comments section, email or phone (087) 9722065 – Thank you.
The Muintir Bháire GAA scrap metal collection, which was very successful in 2011, is restarting and will continue for a few weeks.
If anybody has bits of scrap to be collected, do not hesitate to call and arrangements will be made for collection. No item is too small.
For more info contact Brendan O’Mahony 086 8569159 and Joe O’Driscoll 086 0572474 or any club member.
Beginning Sat, 25 May, at 6:30pm, Durrus FC will hold soccer matches during the summer months at the Durrus Community Field.
Everybody over the age of 16 is welcome to attend. Admission is free and refreshments will be served afterwards in the Longboat Bar during the Champions League Final.
The club will also be launching its new fundraising lotto draw offering winnings of over €2,000 in cash prizes.
Anybody interested can contact any club member for details . Entry sheets available in local shops and pubs.
The Durrus Walking Group meets every Tues outside the Durrus Community Hall at 7.30pm sharp.
The walk lasts for about one hour and is for people with beginner to medium level of fitness. All you need is good footwear and suitable clothing.
Thurs, 6 June, The Maritime Hotel, 6.30 – 8.30pm: The hotel is sponsoring a showcase of summer season tourism activities and events to West Cork accommodation providers in Bantry and the greater West Cork area.
Do you offer a tourism activity or are you planning a tourism event on the Sheep’s Head Peninsula and want to inform West Cork accommodation providers?
Are you a local accommodation provider or B&B owner looking to find out what is new and available locally to recommend to your guests? If so, this is the event for you.
Tourism providers can book a table (no charge) at the showcase and accommodation providers can register their interest to attend the event with Elaine Dempsey (027) 54700 or Helen O’Shea
Written by Denis M. Cronin who emigrated from Kilcrohane to the USA in the 1800s, Chase of a Shadow will be re-released this summer and available soon from Amazon!
A story of two lovers separated by Ireland’s Rebellion of 1798, the book was first printed in small number by his great-granddaughter Jenny W. Warsen in 1998. It is now finally available to all fans of epic love stories and poetry.
The school was awarded its 1st Green Flag for Waste Awareness this May and will be working towards its second flag on Energy Awareness for the coming year.
On Tues, 11 June, the school will have a “Used Clothes Collection”. If you would like to contribute, please drop bags off at the school any time before then. It would be very much appreciated.
On Fri 31 May, Kilcrohane National School celebrates their 4th Green Flag award. Great credit is due to the pupils and teachers involved for this big achievement. They are about to embark on the quest for their 5th Green Flag.
Pupils in all classes look forward to their Pool Party on Thurs 30 May to mark the completion of their six-week swimming course at the Westlodge Hotel.
On Weds 5 June, Chattyboo Productions bring their production of Oisín and Tír na nÓg to the school.
The school year will be completed with the school tour to Rumleys Pet Farm Cork for the Junior cycle and the Glen Resource Centre for the Senior Cycle.
G.A.A. training continues fortnightly.
Other events to look forward to are a production of ‘Oisín and Tír na nÓg’ by Chattyboo, a visit to a Navy ship moored in Bantry Bay and the school tours with the junior classroom pupils travelling to the Irish National Forestry Foundation in Manch while the senior classroom pupils head off for an action-packed activity day at Oysterhaven.
There are sure to be more surprises before the end of term on Weds, 26 June. Whew!
Friendship Week in Carrigboy starts on Mon 17 June.
There is a huge schedule of events planned to enhance the cooperation and general well-being within the school community. The week will end with the official unveiling of the ‘Health Promoting School’ plaque recently awarded to the school.
We will also have the raising of our 3rd Green Flag, awarded for water conservation. Thanks to Mr O’Driscoll and Mrs Paterson and their committees for all their hard work in helping the school to achieve these awards.
School Sports Day is Tues, 25 June.
Muintir Bháire Community Council Newsletter
Issue 33 - www. - Summer 2013
Muintir Bháire Community Council Newsletter
Issue 32 - www. - Spring 2013
Everybody involved with Kilcrohane National School is delighted to invite you to join in an innovative environmental heritage project which will be launched on St Patricks Day, the feast day of our patron saint. The project involves planting a selection of native Irish trees in the Church Green. The native species selected include downy birch, hazel, blackthorn, alder, hawthorn, rowan (mountain ash) and holly. Certificates of provenance have been received for all of these to ensure that they are native trees.
At 11.30am mass in Kilcrohane on St Patrick’s Day, Sun, Mar 17, the school children will present the trees for blessing and after mass (12.30 approx), the children will bring the trees to the Church Green where they will plant them with the assistance of their families and other community members.
The planting of the trees is the start of a longitudinal study, in which the children of the school and future pupils will be involved. The children will record the growth and development of the trees over time and this information will be used to monitor changes in growth patterns and the impact of climate change. This fits very well with the strong environmental ethos of Kilcrohane National School, which already has earned three Green Flag awards and is on course for a fourth.
To mark this event and to celebrate St Patricks Day, there will be music and set-dancing in the village, outside the school and there will be refreshments served in the school. Everybody is invited to join in to celebrate our National Day and also to reflect on the important role that the local school plays within our community.
Muintir Bhaire Community Council AGM
Takes place on Thurs, Mar 21 at 8:30pm in Kilcrohane Hall. There will be a review of the activities of the year and a presentation of the feedback gathered from the community survey carried out in Autumn 2012.
MBCC Fundraising Table Quiz
on Sun, Mar 17, Eileen’s Bar at 9pm.
As part of National Spring Clean, the MBCC will hold its annual beach clean-up on Sat, Apr 13
Meeting points are Ahakista Pier and Kilcrohane Hall at 11a.m.
Everybody is encouraged to come out and take responsibility for the clean-up of our beautiful locale. All children must have adult supervision.
Bags provided. Bring your own gloves and refreshments. Wear suitable footwear and outerwear. Volunteers will be dispersed to beaches on both sides of the peninsula.
The Muintir Bhaire Community Council Easter Egg Hunt will take place in the Kilcrohane Community Field on Easter Sunday, Mar 31, after 11.30am Mass (12. 20 approx). This event is for children aged under 12 and all participants should be accompanied by an adult.
The women’s group continue to meet every Tues 10:30am at the Black Gate Centre.
Monthly lunch last Weds of the month, Mar 27 and Apr 24.
With the days being longer, we will start up a walking group. Look out for notices about a day trip to Cork after Easter.
In early May, to celebrate Bealtaine, we will host an afternoon music / sing-a-long session. More details in the notice boards and Southern Star nearer the time.
Kick Boxing!
The MBCC are looking for names of children, boys and girls, ages of 6– 12, interested in kick boxing. This would be run under the West Cork Kick Boxing Club. Please contact Annette on (083) 1110983.
The Ahakista Community Association will host a meeting with a view to forming a sub-committee who would have the specific purpose of organising the annual Festival & Regatta. New people are needed to increase committee numbers in order that the annual festival - such an important part of our community and so enjoyed by all - can continue for the foreseeable future. Please come along to the Cabin, Ahakista, Fri, Apr 5 @ 8.30pm— you can be assured of a very warm welcome.
Moving Muintir Bhaire
The new walking group in the Parish is Moving Muintir Bhaire. Organised walks take place each week (weather permitting) on Mondays and Wednesdays starting at 10am from The Cabin in Ahakista.
Further details can be found on the Moving Muintir Bhaire Facebook page or contact Ber on (087) 9712363.
We are delighted to have the opportunity to lease the original shop area at the Old Creamery in Kilcrohane when the renovations are completed in summer 2013. The founder members and stallholders who started the Sunday Market and progressed into the Market Shop have been responsible for the daily running of the SHPM as an informal steering group.
We'd like to involve more members in the everyday management and ongoing development of both the Sunday Market and the Market Shop.
1st AGM—to facilitate taking on a lease, the temporary steering group have drawn up a constitution document for approval by the membership, which is now available to view at the Market Shop or online. We invite comments from the public, in writing, accepted up to Tues, Mar 19, 5pm.
We seek nominations from the existing membership to form an elected management
group at the AGM, Tues, Apr 2.
If you have been a producer at the Market Shop or Sunday Market and would like to nominate yourself or another member, please let us know by Tues, Mar 26. More info and a box to receive your nominations will be available from Sun, Mar 10 in the Market Shop.
Please enquire at the Market Shop, 11am – 5pm. Contact Kate (076) 6154941 or visit the website
1st Sunday Market of 2013 is Easter Sunday, Mar 31, 11am - 1pm, Kilcrohane
Muintir Bháire Foróige Club launched the 2013 Sponsored Slimathon on Sat, Jan 19 and this year the weight loss challenge will run up to the end of May (18 weeks).
Our club's aim is to encourage people to become more active, to lose weight and to raise money for the 4 local national schools, play school and the parent and toddler group in Muintir Bháire Parish.
We are delighted with the number of people who have taken up the challenge this year and if anyone is interested in joining us, you can still register at any one of our upcoming weigh ins. Your weight will not be disclosed! Fra Wiseman, Registered General Nurse, has very kindly agreed to do the weigh ins again this year
. Motivational events such as cookery demonstration, health promotion information sessions and a guided Sheep’s Head Way walk will take place during the challenge. Details to be confirmed over the coming weeks.
The next weigh ins will take place on
Fri, Mar 1 @ 7:30pm, Kilcrohane Community Hall
Fri, Mar 22 @ 7:30pm, The Cabin, Ahakista
Fri, Apr 5 @7:30pm, Durrus Community Hall
Fri, Apr 26 @ 7:30pm, Durrus Community Hall
Fri, May 10 @ 7:30pm, The Cabin, Ahakista
Fri, May 24 @ 7:30pm, Kilcrohane Community Hall
After the very wet winter, the trail may have been impacted. Landowners are asked to check and maintain their stretch of trail - clear any vegetation and drain boggy patches. If there is considerable damage to the trail or it is in need of further works, please report this to the Sheep’s Head Way office or phone (08) 9722065.
The annual Christian Aid walk on The Sheep’s Head Way will be held on Sat, Sept 7, 2013; planning for the walk has already begun. Anyone interested in supporting this charity walk can please contact The Sheep’s Head Way office (details above).
The newly established Sheep’s Head and Bantry Tourism Co-op will create a new brochure for the area when funding from WCDP is approved. We will make contact with local businesses on behalf of the co-op to gather information about each individual business at that stage. Meanwhile, if you wish to subscribe to the co-op or want to be listed in the planned brochure, please contact John Tobin, Chairperson of Bantry and Sheeps at or contact the Sheep’s Head Way office.
The Sheeps Head Easter Run will take place on Easter Saturday, Mar 30, at 12 noon. The 10K race will start outside 'Arundels by the Pier', Ahakista, and welcomes both walkers and runners (walkers will start at 11.30am).
The route takes participants up past Rusnacahara Church, on through the townlands of Kealties and Brahalish, back onto the main road and finishes back at 'Arundels by the Pier'. Entry cost is €15 per person.
The event is being organised by Ahakista Rowing Club and any funds raised will go towards the everyday running costs of the Club. The race has an approved AAI permit and takes place on our accurately measured 10K course.
Entries can be made online through or on the day.
Palm Sunday
Rusnacahara Church - 7pm - presentation on theme of Holy Week as Journey
Holy Thursday
Rushnacahara - 6pm mass for ALL children of the parish and families - the feet of children, who would wish it and with their parents consent, will be washed.
Kilcrohane - 7.30pm Mass of the Lord’s Supper.
Durrus - 9pm Mass of the Lord’s Supper.
Good Friday
Kilcrohane - 12 noon Good Friday Liturgy
Durrus - 3pm The Stations of the Cross
We will begin in the Sacred Heart Church and walk through Durrus, past Carrigboy NS and finish in St. James Church. We will stop to pray the Stations at 14 crosses along the route. All are welcome to attend. If the weather does not permit, the Stations will be prayed in the Sacred Heart
Holy Saturday
Sacred Heart Church Durrus -10am Morning Prayer (with St. James Church) followed by coffee/tea in Fr. Galvin’s house.
Gortalassa - 7pm Mass of Easter
Durrus - 8.30pm Easter Vigil (Easter fire will be lit etc.)
Kilcrohane - 10pm Easter Vigil (Easter fire will be lit etc.)
Easter Sunday
Ahakista Pier - 6.30am Fire & Easter Gospel, includes the Blessing of the boats moored there.
Rusnacahara - 7.15am Easter Mass
Durrus - 10am Easter Mass
Kilcrohane - 11.30am Easter Mass
Penance Services
Durrus, Tues, 8pm
Kilcrohane, Weds, 8pm
Confesssions in Durrus, Sat, 12 noon
Sun, May 19— First Holy Communion in Kilcrohane and Durrus
Fr. Ger Galvin is hosting a Daffodil Coffee Day in his house in Durrus from 10.30am-6pm. Please support this great cause which pays for the palliative care teams in our area.
Mary Daly is hosting a Daffodil Coffee and Tea Day at the Bayview Inn from 10am-6pm. Cakes for sale plus raffle .
Drama Appreciation Group
Interest has been expressed in forming a drama appreciation group and the MBCC is willing to facilitate this. If you would be interested in joining, please contact Annette at (083) 1110983.
Muintir Bhaire Community Preschool is delighted to be having its open day for new children on Tues, Mar 21, 1.30-2.30pm. All are very welcome.
Recently refurbished, the building is bright and offers children great space and freedom to interact, while the new flower and vegetable garden allows them outside activity in a safe and healthy environment.
All leaders are qualified in early childhood education, implement the high scope curriculum, and continually upskill themselves. It is a wonderful asset in preparing local children for primary school.
Pupils had fun on Shrove Tuesday mixing and tossing pancakes as a fund raiser for Crumlin Children’s Hospital. We have recently started making our website. Have a look at it at
The school is taking enrolments for the school year 2013/14 – for information, please contact the Principal, Clara McGowan.
Kilcrohane NS
Setanta Book Club, part of Scholastic Book Publishers, is sending their Book Fair to Kilcrohane National School from Mar 11-15. A large selection of fiction and non-fiction books will be on display to buy with some of the cost of the books going toward school funds.
Contact the school at 027 67285 for more info.
On Feb 12, the school held a ‘Pancake Party’ to raise funds for The National Children’s Hospital, Tallaght.
An art teacher attends the school every Fri and a Cycling Safety Course runs each Thurs so children learn the skills, knowledge and understanding needed for cycling on the road safely.
Weds, Apr 10—Infant open Day at 2:10pm. New pupils get to see their classroom, meet Ms. Matilda, and try out our new playground. Our successful annual Science Fair will also take place on that day where parents, grandparents and friends can see the pupils projects and experiments.
Fri, Apr 12— we will have the official raising of our Active School Flag., performed by Rhona Ní Bhuachalla, the All-Ireland winning Cork footballer who will also have the Brendan Martin cup with her.
Thanks to our active school committee for all their work in achieving this honour.
Muintir Bháire Community Council Newsletter
Issue 32 - www. - Spring 2013