Muintir Bhaire Community Council
Archives 2009







































































































































Muintir Bhaire Community Council Newsletter

Issue 11 April/May



Community Council AGM Report

The AGM of Muintir Bhaire Community Council was held on March 2009. The meeting reflected on the activities of the previous year. These included the organization of adult education classes, information talks, road improvements, and initiatives to improve the local area i.e. community beach clean up, sand for Ahakista beach, provision of hanging baskets and picnic tables at various locations. In addition the Community Council applied & received funding for the setting up of a Social Centre for Older People and work is ongoing on the development of the Black Gate Centre. (A summary of the Annual report is below)

Thanks was expressed to everyone who has supported the work of the Community Council during the year.


Easter Egg Hunt

The Community Council would like to invite all pre-school and primary school children to take part in an Easter Egg hunt on Easter Sunday in the Kilcrohane Community Field (Kilcrohane Hall if it is raining!)


Bantry General Hospital Petition

The Community Council organised a public meeting in Kilcrohane on 31st March to inform the community about the future of Bantry General Hospital.

The meeting, which was addressed by Tommy Barry, Chairperson of the Friends of Bantry Hospital, was very well attended.

Those in attendance expressed huge concern at the possibility that the hospital services would be downgraded. The meeting was informed that there is a threat that the 24-hour acute services currently available may be cut and the hospital would operate as a five day a week, 9am –5pm hospital.

Signatures for a petition stating “ We the undersigned demand the retention of 24 hour acute services at Bantry General Hospital” are being collected. The Friends of Bantry Hospital aim to collect 50,000 signatures.

At the end of the meeting people volunteered to collect signatures and various people undertook to collect names from each Townland. The signed petition sheets are to be returned to Community Council Secretary, Deirdre Towns, Kealties, Durrus by 15th April. We encourage everyone to sign this worthwhile petition.


Community Alert AGM

The local Community Alert group will hold its AGM in Kilcrohane Hall on 22nd April 2009 at 8pm. All are welcome.

Local school children have been invited to participate in an art competition organised by the Community Alert group. The winners of the competition will be presented with their prizes at the AGM.


Sheep’s Head Way Walk

The Community Council will hold a guided walk on the Sheep’s Head Way on Sunday, 3rd May 2009.

Registration will take place at Kilcrohane Hall at 12.30. Registration €10.00.There will be two levels of walk, which will cater for all fitness levels.Walking boots and rain wear are essential.

Proceeds from the walk will be for Bantry Hospice and Muintir Bhaire Community Council


Happy Easter to all from Muintir Bháire Community Council Ltd


European Destination of Excellence

Fáilte Ireland has announced the five finalists of their “European Destination of Excellence” (EDEN) competition. The Sheep’s Head Way is one of the finalists. An on-site assessment will take place on 9th April by a panel of expert adjudicators. The finalists have been deemed among the top five destinations of excellence for tourism and protected areas in the country. The overall winner will be announced on Monday 11th May.

EDEN is an EU-wide competition with two main aims. Firstly it highlights the value, diversity and shared characteristics of European tourist destinations, and secondly, promotes destinations where the economic growth objective is pursued in such a way as to ensure the
ocial, cultural and environmental sustainability of tourism.

The winning destination will be awarded the title of Destination of Excellence – Tourism & Protected Areas and will receive a photo shoot of the destination, €5,000 for business development support initiatives and a certificate of achievement. The European Union will
stage an awards ceremony in the winning destination during the 2009 European Tourism Forum along with providing international promotion of the destination. A DVD will be produced of the winning destination as well as participation in an EU network

We wish everyone involved in promoting the Sheep ’s Head Way the best of luck


Beach & Road Side Clean-Up 25th April 2009

There has been a noticeable increase in the amount of litter along the roadside in recent months. It is important, as a community that we do not allow this to continue.

The Community Council will hold a beach & road side clean up on Saturday, 25th April. It is planned to have it run as part of the National Spring Clean, which is Ireland’s biggest anti-litter campaign and runs throughout April. Everybody is invited to help with the cleanup.

The meeting points will be at Ahakista Pier & Kilcrohane Hall at 11am. Collection bags will be provided.


Music & Craic

There will be music and dancing in the local pubs in Kilcrohane over the Easter Week-end.

Programmes for the schedules in Eileen’s and the Bay View on the Community Notice Board


Table Quiz

The Community Council would like to thank everyone who participated and helped organise the table quiz that was held in Eileens’ Bar, Kilcrohane on Monday, 16thMarch. There were 11 teams participating and it was a very close competition! Everyone had a very enjoyable night.

A total of €540 was raised by the event


West Cork Bike Festival

The first West Cork Bike Festival will take place on 29th –30th August 2009.On Sunday,30th August the Sheep‘s Head Raid will be held This event will start and finish in Bantry where they are planning a BMX Demo along with a number of stalls to bring you a taste of West Cork‘s wonderful food.

The Kona Sheep‘s Head Raid will be a marathon event on a mixture of off road & road surfaces along the Sheep‘s Head Peninsula The full route will cross the peninsula‘s hilly ridge 3 times before heading back into the finish in Bantry.

For the non-competitive the second half of the route passes through Kilcrohane, Ahakista & Durrus giving competitors a choice of finishing options / route lengths.
For further details of the event log on to


Community Council Initiatives/Activities During 2008/2009

The following is a summary of the main activities of Muintir Bhaire Community Council during 2008 – 2009:

We would like to thank all those who supported our information talks, our classes, table quizzes and the Church Gate Collection. Your support is very much appreciated.

The Year Ahead:

As we head into a new year there are a number of initiatives in the pipeline. The opening up of the application process for the LEADER funds means that a grant application to complete the next stage of development at the Black Gate Centre can proceed.

The Co-ordinator for the Social Centre for Older People has been recruited and this means that this will get off the ground.


Fire Safety Equipment

At the Fire Safety in the Home talk held last autumn, Michael O’Mahony, former Chief Fire Officer with Cork City Council, recommended that every household should have fire safety equipment.

If you are interested in getting fire safety equipment for your home i.e. fire blankets, smoke alarms or fire extinguishers, please contact Finn O’Mahony ay 027 67007 as it may be possible, if there are enough people interested to do a bulk order.

This may be more cost effective for individual households.


Useful Contact Numbers

Bantry General Hospital 027 50133

Bantry Library 027 50133

Bantry Garda Station 027 20860

Durrus Garda Station 027 61002

Citizens Information Service 027 52100

MABS Money Advice& Budgeting 023 55155

Southdoc 1850 335 999

West Cork Women Against Violence Project 1800 203 136

West Cork Carers Support Group 027 53848

West Cork Rural Transport 02752727



Please contact us if you have any items for inclusion in future Newsletters:

We would be grateful if you would let us know if you have any up-coming events. We would hope this would ensure that local community events do not clash.

You may text or telephone one of the following:

Annette Nicholas 086 3206046

Anne O’Donovan 086 6017648

Mary O’Mahony 027 67060

Deirdre Towns 087 7940860


Grants for Home Improvements

There is a new national grants scheme for homeowners who invest in certain energy efficiency improvements, such as roof insulation. The scheme is administered by Sustainable Energy Ireland (SEI). It specifies the types of work covered and the maximum grants for each. Grant approval must be in place before any materials are bought or work begins. However, you can have a Building Energy Rating (BER) carried out ahead of grant approval.

The grants will be paid out after the work is completed and you (the homeowner) have paid the contractor. If the cost of the work (including VAT) is less than the maximum grant amount, the actual cost will be reimbursed.

The types of work and the maximum grants for each are listed in the table below.


Type of work covered

Maximum grant

Roof insulation


Cavity wall insulation


Internal wall dry lining


External wall insulation


Replacement high-efficiency (greater than 90%) gas or oil-fired boilers with heating controls upgrade


Heating controls upgrade


Building Energy Rating (BER) – you can get a BER grant if you have a BER carried out before and after the works are completed


The grant amount in your first application must be at least €500. This means, for example, that you cannot get a grant if you only insulate your roof. You must get one of the other works done as well in order to qualify for a grant. N.B. The BER grant cannot form part of this €500 amount.

The scheme is open for applications from homeowners since 23 March 2009. For more information, see the Sustainable Energy Ireland website

Application forms & information are available from Bantry Citizens Information Centre, Tel: 027 52100


Muintir Bhaire Newsletter Issue 11

Produced by Muintir Bhaire Community Council April/May 2009








































































































































































































































































































































Muintir Bhaire Community Council Newsletter

Issue 10 February/March


Social Club for Older People

Muintir Bhaire Community Council made an application to the Health Service Executive (HSE) for a grant to set up a Social Centre in Kilcrohane, for older people living on the Sheep’s Head Peninsula. In December, confirmation was received that the application was successful. The Community Council was awarded the grant for one-year initially.

Part of the grant is to employ a Co-ordinator to set up the Social Centre and to develop a range of social activities to support older people living in the community in the Sheep’s Head area. (See Job advert below)

A Social Centre is a centre offering social, recreational and educational activities for older people. It usually includes a meal, activities such as art and crafts, physical activities, information talks and social events such as a Christmas party, etc

Initially it will start on a monthly basis and may develop into a weekly event.



Muintir Bhaire Community Council Ltd invites applications for a

Part-time Social Centre Coordinator

The Coordinator will organise a range of social activities to support older people in the Sheep’s Head Peninsula area.

The ideal candidate will have:

This position is for one year, 10 hours per week.

Please apply in writing enclosing a C. V. to the Community Work Department, HSE, Coolnagarrane, Skibbereen, Co. Cork.

Closing Date: 6th February 2009

Job Description and further information available from: The Community Work Department, HSE at 028-40481

The post is funded by the HSE



Drama Club in Kilcrohane

If you think you would enjoy partaking in mime, improvisation, creative movement, comedy and short sketches then come along to Kilcrohane Hall on Friday nights, beginning on 20th February at 8pm.

Contact the following Community Council members to book a place:

Sheila Ellis, Tel: 086 830 2887 or

Deirdre Towns: Tel: 087 794 0860



Ahakista Festival - Planning Meeting

Ahakista Community Association is holding a meeting to commence planning the annual summer festival

It will take place in Rusnacaharra National School at 9pm on Friday, 13th February 2009

New members & new ideas welcome!!



Table Quiz

A table quiz will be held on Monday, 16th March 2009 in Eileens’ Bar in Kilcrohane. It will start at 9pm and the entry is €20.00 for a table of four.

Your support would be appreciated.

The Community Council would also like to thank everyone who participated and helped organise the table quiz that was held in Bay View Inn, Kilcrohane on 29th December.

A total of €478 was raised by the event



Folklore of the Sheeps’ Head & Mizen Peninsulas

An evening of stories of times past will be held in Kilcrohane Hall on Friday, 27th February 2009 at 9pm

Guest speaker will be Pat McCarthy, Goleen

There will be tea/coffee afterwards

Entry €3.00



Dispose Unused Medicines Properly (DUMP) is a free service to dispose of unused/out of date medicines safely. You can bring the medicines to local pharmacies in Bantry between 22nd January & 5th March 2009.


Local GAA Newsletter

Muintir Bhaire GAA Club will be launching the first edition of their newsletter in the near future. The Club is embarking on an exciting new project which will be of benefit to many.

It is hoped that the newsletter will be useful in keeping the wider community informed about the development projects progress and other general GAA matters. So watch out and be sure to pick up a copy.'


Community Supports & Services

In the current period of economic downturn it is useful to know that there are some West Cork based services to provide assistance and advice:

MABS (Money Advice & Budgeting Service) provide free, confidential advice re dealing with financial problems &debt issues. They are based in Dunmanway & have a weekly outreach in the Citizens Information Service in Bantry.Tel: 023 55155 for an appointment

West Cork Citizens Information Service provide an information, advice & advocacy service on issues relating to social welfare entitlements, employment rights, housing, family issues, consumer rights, education grants etc. It is a free & confidential service. No appointment needed. You can drop-in to the office in The Square, Bantry or telephone 027 52100 for assistance.

Community Welfare Service: The local Community Welfare Officer is John Hurley. He is in the Health Centre, Marino Street, Bantry on Weds & Fridays from 10am – 12 noon. The CWO deals with applications for rent or mortgage supplement, medical cards and emergency payments to people awaiting Social Welfare payments

Social Welfare Office, Bridge St, Bantry deals with applications for unemployment payments and other social welfare payments.

West Cork Women Against Violence Project provide a confidential support & advice service to women experiencing verbal, physical, financial and or emotional abuse in the home. Tel: 027 53847



Muintir Bhaire Newsletter Issue 10

Produced by Muintir Bhaire Community Council February/March 2009

Muintir Bhaire Community Council Newsletter

Issue 15 November/December



Preparing for the Yuletide Season

The Community Council would like to invite you to an evening with a seasonal theme to get you in the Christmas mood. It will be held in Kilcrohane Hall on Thursday, December 10th at 8pm. It will include demonstrations of the following:

Preparing finger food and desserts;

Christmas Table Decorations

Storytelling on the theme of Christimas traditions.

There will be refreshments & a chance to taste the results of the cookery demonstration!!! Admission is €5. A raffle will also be held.

Carol Singing

The Kilcrohane Choir will go carol singing from house to house on Tuesday, 15th, Wednesday, 16th and Thursday the 17th of December. They will begin west of the village on the first night, east of the village on the second night and will go northwards on the last night.



School Christmas Play

The pupils of Kilcrohane N.S. will perform their Christmas play the week before Christmas in Kilcrohane Hall. For further details with regard to a date and time, please contact the school on 027-67285


Tree-Lighting Ceremony

A ceremony will be held to bless and light the Christmas tree on Sunday, December 6th in Kilcrohane Churchyard at 4:30 pm. There will be carols and Christmas songs around the Christmas tree afterwards. Mince pies, hot chocolate and mulled wine will be served. We are grateful to Mary Daly who has agreed to provide the refreshments. Everybody is welcome to come and join in the festive cheer.



Table Quiz

The Community Council will hold a table quiz, on Monday, December 28th in Arundel's Bar, Ahakista. The quiz will start at 9pm. The cost is €20.00 per table of four. Your support would be appreciated. It promises to be an enjoyable night out.



Advent Preparation

Are you interested in getting ready for Christmas - in a different way? Do you find yourself saying that the run up to Christmas is too commercialised? If you would like to do things differently this year please come to St. James Church of Ireland in Durrus on Wednesday 25th of November at 8.00pm, where Rev. Paul Willoughby, Rev. Anne Skuse and Fr. Gerard Galvin will look at the four Sundays of Advent and explore what we, people of goodwill, might do to prepare the way of the Lord. Light refreshments will be served after.



Christmas Day Swim

The Annual Christmas Day swim will take place at Ahakista Pier. This year it is in aid of the Bantry Hospice. Participants should be ready to swim at 1pm. Sponsorship cards are available from Deirdre O'Brien who can be contacted on 086-8630624.



St. Stephens Day Walk

Everybody is invited to join the walk on 26th December in aid of the Ahakista Rowing Club and Bantry Friends of Lesotho. Registration is at 12 noon at Kilcrohane Hall. There will be a choice of walks and all levels of walkers are welcome. Please bring appropriate boots & rain gear. There will be refreshments afterwards.


Christmas Bazaar

The annual Christmas Bazaar will be held in Kilcrohane Hall on Sunday, December 13th, commencing at 2.30pm. There will be a massive cake sale, cookery demonstration, flower arranging and more. Santa will also be arriving. Admission is free.



Race Night

Arace night will be held in aid of the Kilcrohane Hall renovations on Saturday, November 28th at 9:30 pm in the Bay View Bar. There will be no auction race. Your support would be very much appreciated.



Christmas Craft fair

Carrigbui National School will hold their annual Christmas Fair in Durrus Community Hall on Monday, 14th December from 7 to 9 pm. A wide selection of baking, Christmas crafts and decorations, floral displays, novelty stalls and festive teas will be available on the night. Everyone is invited to attend.


Carol Service

A Carol Service will be held in the Sacred Heart Church, Durrus on Monday, 21st December beginning at 7.30pm. The Carol Service is being organized by the Church of Ireland and the Roman Catholic Church and all are welcome to attend.



Social Activities Club Update

The Social Club for Older people is going really well. The second gathering which took place in Bay View restaurant was attended by 25 people and was a great success. Up-coming events for the next few weeks include:

The Glengarriff Theatre Group is performing Beauty & the Beast in Glengariff Hall at 8.30pm on the 4th & 5th of December. If there is enough interest, a bus will be organised to attend one of the performances.

To get more information and/or express your interest in attending any of the above events please contact Julie O'Neill on 086- 1721279 or Eileen O'Mahony on 027-67004.



Irish Classes

Irish conversation classes will be held on Mondays in Kilcrohane Hall, starting in mid-January, providing that there is sufficient interest. If you are new to the language and want to learn to speak it or if you simply want to resurrect and improve your spoken Irish, give Deirdre Towns a call on 087-7940860 to register your interest. Further specific details will be given to those interested closer to the time. The cost for a course of six classes is €25.





If your New Year's resolution involves getting fit, you might be interested in this. Imelda Murnane, fitness instructor, will run an eight week aerobics course in Kilcrohane on Thursday nights from 7:30 to 8:30 pm. They will begin on January 7th. The cost for an eight week course is €50. A certain minimum number of participants are required in order for the classes to run. Therefore Imelda requests that you contact her to give her your name before December 18th. You can reach her by calling 086-3912607 or 027-55525



Church Gate Collection

Muintir Bhaire Community Council would like to thank everybody who contributed to the church gate collection held recently.



Durrus Bingo

1,000 Bingo will be held on Friday, 11th of December in Durrus Community Hall. It will commence at 8.30 pm. There will be fantastic raffle prizes.



Defibrillator Fundraising

Many thanks to Una Cashman, Deirdre Coughlan, Siobhan Daly and Laura Hurley who recently did the Cork City Mini-Marathon in aid of local defibrillator groups. They split the proceeds equally between Durrus, Ahakista and Kilcrohane and so collected €360 for each area. Well done girls! It is much appreciated.



Art Classes

An art course will be available in Kilcrohane Hall starting in January providing that sufficient numbers are willing to sign up. Fiona Power is the instructor. The cost of a six-week course is €40 and an eight-week course would be €54. Each session would last two hours. If you are interested please contact one of the community council members named below. Once we gauge the interest level, further details will follow.



Please contact us if you have any items for inclusion in future newsletters.

We would be grateful if you would let us know if you have any up-coming events. We would hope this would ensure that local community events do not clash. You may text or telephone one of the following:

Annette Nicholas 086 3206046

Anne O'Donovan 086 6017648

Deirdre Towns 087 7940860



Know Your Rights


My working week was reduced to 3 days a while ago and I get Jobseeker's Benefit (JB) for the days that I don't work. I have been informed that the JB payment is due to end shortly. Can I re-qualify for this payment after working a 3-day week for the next 13 weeks? What are my options?


You are referring to the general rule whereby someone who has used up their entitlement to Jobseeker's Benefit may re-qualify by working and paying the appropriate PRS1 contributions for at least 13 weeks.

However, in order to qualify for Jobseeker's Benefit you need to have suffered a "substantial loss of employment". When you originally went on a reduced working week you would have satisfied this condition. However, if your employment pattern has not changed during the course of your JB claim you are now classified as a part-time worker for the purposes of assessing any new claim. As a result, the 3 days that you don't work will no longer be regarded as substantial loss of employment, and you will not re-qualify for Jobseeker's Benefit after 13 weeks of part-time work.

Depending on your earnings and your family circumstances, you may be able to apply for Jobseeker's Allowance for the 3 days that you don't work. Alternatively, you may qualify for Family Income Supplement (FIS) which is a payment from the Department of Social and Family Affairs to help people at work on low incomes to support their families.

While you are still getting Jobseeker's Benefit, you may qualify for a place on the new Short-Time Working Training Programme (run by FAS) and continue to get your Jobseeker's Benefit. The programme allows participants to improve or add to their skills. The training offered is flexible, in order to allow people to complete the courses if they return to full-time work. Places are limited. Contact your local FAS office.

Further information is available from Bantry Citizens Information Centre.

Know Your Rights has been compiled by West Cork Citizens Information Service which provides

a free and confidential service to the public.

Tel: 027 52100 Address: The Square, Bantry, Co. Cork



Muintir Bhaire Community Council members wish you all a Happy and Peaceful Christmas and we wish you the Best for theNew Year.

Muintir Bhaire Newsletter Issue 15

Produced by Muintir Bhaire Community Council November/December 2009







Muintir Bhaire Community Council Newsletter

Issue 14 October/November 2OO9



Social Activities Club

The social activities group had their first monthly lunch on Wednesday, 30th September in Bridge View House, Kilcrohane. We are delighted to report that seventeen people came to share the experience. We thank Ann Donegan and her staff for the delicious food and fantastic hospitality. The dining room was full and a great atmosphere was created by the buzz of pleasant friendly chatter. The group was entertained by the children from the National school with a selection of songs instrumental pieces. Thanks to those children and their teachers. It was lovely to see such happy interaction between the children and the older people.

Feedback from the event was very positive and we are looking forward to doing this on a regular basis. These regular lunches are open to all the senior citizens in our community and it is hoped that the attendance will go from strength to strength. The next lunch will be towards the end of November and more details will follow.

It is planned to hold weekly classes for women on the subject of "Personal Development" in November. Times and dates for these will be advised in the coming weeks. It is also hoped to have a talk on general winter health issues later this month and perhaps a trip to a theatre performance in the near future. If anyone has any suggestions or ideas they can contact Julie on 086 1591O40.


Evening Classes

The Community Council have put in a request to the VEC to run evening classes in Kilcrohane during the Autumn/Winter. We are awaiting a response at this time but as soon as we have confirmation that classes can go ahead we will advertise them.


Walk to Celebrate Heritage Week

Muintir Bhaire Community Council's walk to celebrate Heritage Week in August had to be postponed due to inclement weather. However, it has been rescheduled and is due to take place on Sunday, October 18th at 2:30 p.m. weather permitting.

Participants should congregate at the top of the Goat's Path and the walk will commence under the guidance of Eily OTVIahony. The walk will take in the Mass Rock at Gloun, the Burial Ground at Gortnakilla and the Blessed Well at Galladoo. We estimate that the walk will take two hours in total so you should be back to the top of the Goat's Path at approximately 4:30 p.m.

If you require further information, you may contact Eily O'Mahony on 027-67004.



Update from Sheep's Head Way

The past year and a half has gone very well for the Sheep's Head Way. For
ten years the local committee had spearheaded a campaign to get recognition for the vital role of landowners in the creation and maintenance of walking trails. The launch of the new Walks Scheme in 2008 marked the successful outcome to this long and difficult campaign.

The winning of the EU Eden Award in 2009, when the Sheep's Head peninsula was declared Ireland's Destination of Excellence for Sustainable Tourism, was the "icing on the cake'.

The entire walking route was recently inspected by Michael Doyle, National Trails Officer. In the vast majority of cases, he was very satisfied with the way the landowners were maintaining the walking routes. However there were a few places where, he said, there was room for improvement. It is important that the high standard, for which the Sheep's Head Way has become
known, should be maintained.



Kilcrohane Development Association

The Kilcrohane Development are to be congratulated for their role in preparing for this year's Tidy Towns Competition. The new playground equipment was praised as well as the colour
and vibrancy of the flowers on display around the village.
A recommendation was made that attention should be given to providing information to the public by means of a chart or sign on wildlife native to the Sheep's Head Peninsula. If anybody has knowledge or expertise in this area, the Development Association would be delighted to hear from them. You can contact Marian O' Sullivan on 027-67210 or Mary O'Donovan 027-67261.

The Development Association are delighted that renovations on the hall in Kilcrohane have been completed. The hall was re-roofed and re-insulated. The toilet facilities were upgraded and are now wheelchair accessible. An extra room was added for storage purposes.

Card games will start on Wednesday the 21st October at 9:15 p.m.


News from Ahakista Community Association

The Ahakista Community Association are currently revising a business plan and are in
negotiation with architect Paul Leech with regard to forwarding the activity centre project. The
current economic climates, as well as complex planning issues, are hindering progress. It is
hoped that these difficulties can be overcome as soon as possible.

Any further developments in this area will be published in a subsequent newsletter. In
the meantime keep an eye out for the date of the upcoming AGM.


Know Your Rights


I am setting up my own business and will need to pay self-employed PRSI. How do I register for this? What does self-employed PRSI cover? How do I continue contributing if my business closes?


Up to 2007, people starting self-employment were required to register as self-employed with the Department of Social and Family Affairs by completing form SE3, as well as registering with the Revenue Commissioners.

However, since 2007 it is no longer a requirement to register separately with the Department. When you register as self-employed with the Revenue Commissioners you will automatically be registered for PRSI. You will find information on registering as self-employed (using form TR1) in booklet IT 48 Starting in Business. Both form and booklet are available on

When you are registered for PRSI you will pay at Class S. This class applies to self-employed people, including certain company directors, people in business on their own account and people with income from investments and rents. It doesn't cover you for jobseeker, illness or disability payments, but it does cover you for the following social insurance payments:

• Widow's and Widower's (Contributory) Pension
• Guardian's Payment (Contributory)
• State Pension (Contributory)
• Maternity Benefit
• Adoptive Benefit
• Bereavement Grant

If your business closes and you stop being self-employed, or if your annual income falls below €3,174, and you are under age 66, you may apply to become a voluntary contributor.

Voluntary contributions give cover for the pensions that you were covered for when you were last working and paying compulsory PRSI. To become a voluntary contributor after self-employment, you must have worked and paid PRSI for at least 260 weeks and apply within 12 months after the end of the tax year during which you last paid PRSI.

Further information is available from Bantry Citizens Information Centre

Know Your Rights has been compiled by West Cork Citizens Information Service which provides a free and confidential service to the public.

Tel: 027 52100.Address: The Square, Bantry, Co. Cork


Ahakista Rowing Club

Ahakista rowing club held their AGM on Sunday 4th October at which the following officers were elected:

Chairperson: Carmel Nash

Vice Chairperson: Micheal Kelleher

President: Colin O'Donovan

Secretary: Orla O'Mahony

Treasurer: Annette Nicholas O'Mahony

PRO: Eileen Nitsch

Captain: Brian Cronin

Ladies Captain: Elaine Johnston

Youth Officer: Jason Dunne

The Club would like to thank everyone who supported the Club during the last year. The Maritime Challenge raised €806 which was presented to Michael O'Regan and Derrnot Sheehan of Goleen Coast Guard.

Training will recommence on Monday and Thursday nights, starting on 2nd November, 7pm till 9pm. Anybody who is interested in joining can just come along on the night or contact any member of the club.



Defibrillator Training

The Durrus Defibrillator Group are providing training in CPR and the use of the defibrillator. This training will take place in Durrus Community Hall on the 28th, 29th and 30th of
October from 7 to 9 p.m. each evening.
These sessions will be available to those in the Ahakista/ Kilcrohane areas also, since linking up for training is more cost-effective. The cost of the training is €60. If you wish to attend the CPR training only, the cost is €40.

Everyone is welcome to attend.Further details are available from Mary O'Mahony on 027-67060. If you are interested in attending the training sessions, please give your name to Mary.



Parish Meeting

Fr. Galvin will hold a meeting at Durrus Community Hall on Tuesday, October 13th at 8 o'clock. He plans to discuss the parish of Muintir Bhaire as it is now and as we would like it to be in
the future.
Everybody is invited to attend and your ideas and suggestions are all welcome. Refreshments will be served. Fr. Galvin that you notify him of your intention to attend by signing up at the
back of the church, by ringing him on 027-61313 or by e-mailing him at ger@gerardgalvin . com .


Celebration of Rally Victory!

Congratulations to Jerry OTDonovan, Kilcrohane who won the 2009 Group N Irish
Tarmac Championship in Rallying. There will be a celebration in the Westlodge Hotel,
Bantry on Saturday, 17th October to mark his victory. It starts at 9.30pm and all are


Muintir Bhaire Newsletter
Produced by Muintir Bhaire Community Council
October/November 2009





Muintir Bhaire Newsletter

Issue 12 - June/July/August 2009



Cake Sale


Muintir Bhaire Community Council is holding a cake sale in Kilcrohane on Sunday, 31st May 2009. It will take place after 11.30am Mass.

The funds raised from the cake sale will be put towards the purchase of a community defibrillator for the village.

So far €1,700 has been raised in the Bay View Bar, Kilcrohane and a further €600 is needed. All contributions of home baking are welcome 85 your support on the day would be appreciated.

Nine local people completed a one-day intensive training course in the use of a defibrillator in Kilcrohane on 18th April 2009. ( Details on meeting to set up local defibrillator group below ).



Coffee Morning in Ahakista


There will be a coffee morning in Arundel's Bar, Ahakista on Saturday, 11th July 2009 at 11am. It is in aid of the Ahakista Festival and everybody is welcome.

Please contact Deirdre O'Brien on O86 8630624 if you are available to help out on the day or if you would like any further information.


Community Alert Church Gate Collection


The local Community Alert Group will hold their Annual Church Gate Collection on the 18th and 19th July 2009.



Air India Memorial


This year will be the twenty-fourth anniversaiy of the Air India air disaster, which occurred off the South West Coast in 1985.

The annual commemoration will take place at the Air India Memorial in Ahakista at Sam on 23th June 2009.

Refreshments will be provided afterwards.



Rowing Club Challenge


The Maritime challenge will take place on llth June from 5pm to 6pm in Dunmanus Bay. Members of the Ahakista Rowing Club will endeavour to row from Ahakista to Durrus, There is a prize, sponsored by the Maritime Hotel for the person who guesses the fastest time.

It is in aid of the Goleen Coast Guard. Sponsorship cards will be available from Ahakista Rowing Club members.



Social Centre for Older People in Kilcrohane


Work is progressing in setting up the Social Centre for Older People in Kilcrohane. The Community Council recruited Julie O'Neill to take up the post of Social Centre Co-ordinator.

Julie, who is from Castletownbere, took up the post on 14th May. She is based in the Health Centre in Kilcrohane and is there every Wednesday and Thursday from 10am to 3pm.

Once up and running the Social Centre will offer social, recreational and educational activities for older people living in the Sheep's Head peninsula. It will include a meal, activities such as art and crafts, physical activities, educational courses, information talks and social events and outings.

An inaugural event to introduce Julie and the social club will be held in Kilcrohane on Wednesday, 24th June 2009. There will be food and music. Everybody is invited to come, join in the craic and find out more about the social centre.

Date: 24th June 2009

Time; 8pm

Venue: Kilcrohane Hall (alternative venue will be announced if re-roofing of hall has started).

Contact Julie if you would like to get more information about the Social Club or if you have any ideas or suggestions about it. Tel: O86 365 8323



Update on Muintir Bhaire Community Council Projects


The following is a summaiy of some of the main activities of yotir local Community Council over the last few months:

> An Easter Egg Hunt was held on Easter Sunday in tjbe Community Field after Mass in Kilcrohane. Almost fifty pre-school and primary school children ran throughout the field to find the hidden eggs and they were cheered on by a large group of parents. The sun shone and the event proved hugely enjoyable for all. Each child who participated went home with some eggs and the Community Council intend for it to become an annual event.

> Nine people completed the training course in the use of a defibrillator, which was held in Kilcrohane Hall on April 18th. There is a defibrillator on Ahakista Pier and we hope that our upcoming bake sale fundraiser will provide the remainder of the money needed to purchase one for Kilcrohane village.

> A walk was held on the May Bank Holiday weekend. There were two walks at different levels and a total of forty people took part. We would like to thank the local guides who lead the walks on what was a beautiful sunny day. A total of €670 was raised, half of which will be donated to Bantay Hospice.

> The Community Council would like to thank those who attended the meeting to raise awareness of the threat to emergency services at Bantry Hospital. This meeting was called at short notice and the Chairman of the Friends of Bantry Hospital provided information on the night. We would also like to thank those who as a result of this meeting went around their townlands to ensure that the petition to prevent the downgrading of Bantry Hospital was signed.

> The co-ordinator for the Senior Citizen's Social Club, Julie O' Neill from Castletownbere, commenced work on May 14th. She will be based at the Health Centre in Kilcrohane and a preliminary event will be held sometime in June before our summer recess.

> It is expected that the widening of the road at Dooneen Height will start in the next few weeks.

> The Blessed Well at Gouladoo will be cleared so that people can walk down to it and view it. The landowner has also offered to share his knowledge on the history surrounding the well with members of the Community Council. This is part of the on-going work to protect and raise awareness of local heritage sites.

> Plans have been drawn up for the completion of the renovation project at the Blackgate museum. Tenders will be sought from local contractors to carry out the renovation work. An application for funding will be made to West Cork Leader in the next few weeks. It is hoped that if the funding is approved work can begin this coming Autumn.

> A Beach Clean-up was held on April 25th last and the Community Council would like to sincerely thank all those who turned out to help despite the inclement weather. There were approximately 20 volunteers who met at Ahakista Pier ajid a further 12 in Kilcrohane. Approximately 90 bags of rubbish were collected from Brahalish west to Tra Ruaim including Gortnakilla in the North Side.

The Community Council urges everybody in the area to be responsible and respectful in how they dispose of their litter. We are very proud of the natural beauty of our locality. This pride is reinforced by the recent Destination of Excellence award. Therefore it is essential that we all work hard to ensure that our beaches and roadsides remain litter-free. We provide details on below of the recycling/dumping facilities that can be used in the area.



Local Recycling and Rubbish Facilities


Recycling facility for glass, food tins and drink cans are located above the Community Hall


Glass recycling services are available in Durrus at the entrance to the Community Field.

Derryconnell Landfill Site (028 37048) Schull, Co. Cork

Mon - Fri: 9.00am - 5.00pm Sat: 9.00am - l.00pm

This facility takes cardboard, plastics, paper, glass, cans, batteries, all electrical items,

reusable clothing, cooking oil, engine oil, aerosols, empty gas cylinders, light bulbs,

fluorescent tubes, timber and scrap metal.

There is a €3 entry fee to use the facility and you can also dispose of bags of domestic rubbish

for €8 per bag. There is no weight limit on these bags.

Bantry Recycling Services (located in the car-park on the way towards the beach in Bantry Town)

Mondays and Fridays - 1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.

They take paper and cardboard as well as plastics, which must be sorted separately. You can also recycle bottles and cans at this facility.



Ahakista Festival 30th July to 4th August 2009


The planned programme includes the following:

* Thurs, 30th July: €1000 bingo in Marquee

* Fri, 31st July: Monster Table Quiz

* Sat, 1st Aug: Sheep's Head Way Guided Walk, Kids day.

* Sat, 1st Aug: Presentation of Person of the Year Award. Music with the Whiskey Jacks

* Sun 2nd Aug: Regatta, Side shows. Music that night by Badhrams and Amaddns. Raffle results will be announced..

* Mon, 3rd Aug: Fishing Competition

•Tues, 4th Aug: Progressive 45 Card Drive

Check out for up dates about the Festival.

The Nomination Papers for the Person of the Year Award will be available soon. So start thinking about the person you would like to nominate for this award.

Volunteers to help out on the Sunday of the Festival would be appreciated. Please contact Deirdre O'Brien on 086 8630624.



Durrus Carnival 9th - 12th July 2009


The following events will take place:

Thurs, 9th July: Cards

Fri, 10th July: Bingo in the Community Hall

Sat, 11th July: Family day & inter pub soccer

Sun, 12th July: Events in Community Field Rubbicon playing on the street that night

MacFaddens fun fair all weekend



Kilcrohane Carnival 17th - 19th July


17th July: Children's sports evening in Community Field; Street races in village.

18th July: Duck Race & Final of BowlingCompetition.

19th July: Fancy Dress Parade starting at 2pm, Field Events, Wheel of Fortune, Tug of War etc.



Sciath na Scol Champions


Congratulations to the children of Rusnacaharra National School who won in the Sciath na Scol inter-school football competition. The final was played in Ballineen on 28th May. Rusnacaharra N.S.played Inchiclough N,S. and won. The final score was Rusnacaharra N.S. 3-7 and Inchiclough 3-3. Well done to all involved!



Sheep's Head Wins Major European Award


Sheep's Head has been awarded the title of European Destination of Excellence - Tourism and Protected Areas. The competition is funded and organised by Failte Ireland with support from the European Union. This is a really positive development for the area and we would like to congratulate all those involved in promoting the area.

The competition was designed for destinations that have developed the tourism potential of their protected areas in a sustainable manner. Sheep's Head faced stiff competition from the other four finalists - Ballyhoura in Counties Limerick and Cork, Slieve League in South Donegal, Erris in North West Mayo and the Greenbox in the North West (including Leitrim, parts of Cavan, Sligo, Donegal and Monaghan).

The adjudicators were particularly impressed with the energy and enthusiasm of the local groups and the variety of protected areas that were promoted. Mary Stack, Environment Officer at Failte Ireland believes that the Sheep's Head is a worthy winner - "The community knowledge, promotion and upholding of their local area was considered outstanding, and in the end led to success for Sheep's Head in this competition

She continued

"An inextricable link between tourism and the protected areas was demonstrated during the site visit to the Peninsula, and it is obvious that tourism has been developed both upon and with full consideration of the sensitivities of these protected areas. The local natural assets of the area have been presented as an integral part of local tourism."

As this year's winner, the area will receive an additional boost to the ongoing effort to attract visitors. Sheep's Head will be the subject of a specially commissioned photo shoot and the local committee will receive €5,000 for business development support initiatives as well as a certificate of achievement from Failte Ireland. In addition, the EU will provide international promotion of Sheep's Head, e-marketing opportunities and participation in an EU network of European Destinations of Excellence which will also raise the profile of the destination.

A national awards ceremony will be held by Failte Ireland during June where Sheep's Head will be formally presented with their award.




Defibrillator Group


A meeting will be held in Kilcrohane Hall on Monday, 8th June to establish a local defibrillator group. The meeting will commence at 8pm.

Everybody who participated in the training, which took place on 18th April as well as anybody who is interested in taking part in future training is invited to attend'

Due to our geographical location and threats to our local hospital in Bantry, it is important as a community that we put local initiatives in place to have an effective defibrillator group set up and running as soon as possible.




Garden Open Days


21st June: Open day at Eugene & Hazel Wiseman's Garden, Cois Abhainn in Durrus. Proceeds are for the Durrus Playgroup and the Durrus Defibrillator Group. The garden will be open from 2pm- 5.30pm

28th June: Open day at Bob & Mary Walsh's Garden, Cois Cuain, Kilcrohane in aid of St Joseph's Ward in Bantry General Hospital, The garden will be open from 10am -5pm.



Annual Garden Fete

The annual Garden Fete at St James's Rectory in Durrus, will be held on Wednesday, 12th August.

Further details will be announced nearer the time.



National Water Safety Courses at Kilcrohane Pier from 27th July - 1st August 2009

If you are interested in taking part in learning to swim or in learning life saving skills you should sign up for the National Water Safety Course which will take place in Kilcrohane at the end of July.

Contact Ann McCarthy at 027 67035 to book a place.



Good luck to all the local students sitting their Junior & Leaving Cert Examinations


Muintir Bhaire Newsletter

Produced by Muintir Bhaire Community Council Ltd

Issue 12 June/July/August 2009







